Senate Rejects the Medicare-Killing Republican Budget

Filed in National by on May 25, 2011

The Senate has rejected the controversial budget plan proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and passed by the Republican controlled House of Representatives. The vote was 57-40 against the bill. I am still awaiting the roll call vote to see which Republican voted sanely. It is probable that 4 Republicans did. And at least 3 Senators did not vote.

Still, I am amazed that 40 Republicans voted for it. The Ryan Budget: The World’s Largest Suicide Pact.

Update: Voting with all of the Democrats were Sens. Scott Brown (R-MA), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) — both 2012 incumbents — along with Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Rand Paul (R-KY) voted against it because it wasn’t radical enough.

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  1. anon says:

    I have to admit, I didn’t think Reid had it in him to hold the vote.

    But it’s not over yet. Democrats could still take the bullet for Repubs by voting for some wacky compromise cuts to Medicare. It could happen. If Obama gets behind a compromise bill that includes Medicare cuts of any kind, we could get 80 Senators voting for it and be told it is another victory.

  2. X Stryker says:

    Republicans will solve America’s problems by getting themselves voted out of office. I want the airwaves to be nothing but Medicare talk from now through November 2012.

  3. political wizzard says:

    @ anon. I have to go along with you on that one. I can see all the Club for Growth Dems’ falling for some stupid BS about cutting the deficit that back doors Medicare in some way. Then the Conserves’ will run against them on it and Billy-Jo-Jim-Bob will forget all about the Ryan plan.

  4. Delaware Lefty says:

    Anybody else notice that TNJ doesn’t really think this or the election in NY-26 as news worthy?