Top Ten Reasons Terrorist Have (so far) Failed to Kill Tony DeLuca

Filed in National by on June 1, 2011

10. Dr. Emmett Brown kept the plutoniom for his time machine.
9. The box cutters were supposed to be in the drawer next to the tin foil. (Who moved them?)
8. DeLuca continues to not travel to Iraq or Afghanistan.
7. In fighting between the Red Brigade and the IRA about who gets the credit.
6. The FBI’s clever “Tony DeLuca who?” strategy of misdirection.
5. Terrorist flomoxed by the “Be back in 1/2 hour” sign on DeLuca’s door.
4. Terrorist still don’t know abut the secret tunnel connecting DeLuca’s house to Hardees.
3. DeLuca murder plot really just an elaborate ruse to get into Nakatomi Towers
2. DeLuca never works at any one of his three jobs for longer than 15 minutes.

The number 1 reason terroists have (so far) failed to kill Tony DeLuca…

Terrorist aren’t trying to kill Tony DeLuca.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    #11 Deluca is a popular name and they got the wrong guy
    #12 He was way down on their list of crooked whites guys that hate muslims
    #13 Delaware has so many more people worth knocking off

  2. cassandra m says:

    #14 — Tiny Tony *is* the terrorist!

  3. puck says:

    #15 Terrorists got off the bus in Wilmington, North Carolina
    #16 Terrorists still researching infidel culture in Vegas
    #17 Terrorists FOIA request denied
    #18 DeLuca cut deal to impose sharia law
    #19 Somebody warned DeLuca “Whoever comes to you with this meeting, he’s the traitor.”

  4. Crunchy says:

    20. Terrorists got lost in Newark, trying to avoid the I95 toll. Last sighting–Hooter’s.

  5. mediawatch says:

    21. Terrorists spent two weeks in Legislative Hall sleeping through Joint Finance Committee hearings.

  6. ABBA says:

    22. Mike Protack’s router misdirected them to Jason O’Neill’s house.

  7. skippertee says:

    23- The “terrorists” [read progressive bloggers] have been rounded up by a crack anti-terror squad lead by Beau “Baby Bull Conner” Biden and are being held in a secret prison in Gumboro staffed by TEA PARTY PATRIOTS.

  8. puck says:

    24. Terrorists currently pursuing an unwitting DeLuca in slow-speed chase in beach traffic.

    25. Terrorists waiting for shipment from Acme Novelty Company.

  9. puck says:

    26. Terrorists mistakenly took Six Sigma black belt training and are still trying to work out success criteria for the DeLuca project.

  10. skippertee says:

    puck-24+25 are great. 26 confuses me.
    But I’m easily confused.

  11. jason330 says:

    You funny bastards crack me up.

  12. puck says:

    27. Terrorists posting jokes on blogs all day; not getting any work done

  13. skippertee says:

    28-Tiny Tony succumbs to “Stockholm Syndrome”,joins terrorists.
    His nom de guerre: The BIG HEAD or Le Gross Tete

  14. Jason330 says:

    29. DeLuca’s adamantium skeleton makes him hard to kill.