Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 1, 2011

Welcome to your daily Open Thread. Only two days til the weekend! When the weather will be better!

Lots of you read the Daily Kos, but this post on the media being reduced to Sarah Palin paparazzi is priceless! Inspired by this post from the NYT blog, it is heartening to see that people are taking note of the fact that Sarah Palin causes the media to lose their collective minds:

It was a surreal situation given the fact that Ms. Palin and her advisers had shown an almost complete contempt for the press corps and its usual rituals. But the grumbling among the press corps notwithstanding, reporters and camera crews continued to follow her across three states and hundreds of miles over the long holiday weekend.

This is the woman who kept accusing Barack Obama of being no more than a celebrity wannabe, and here she is, years later, working on her celebrity cred. She never added anything to the political discussion, but to see the so-called serious media report on what she is wearing or what her bus looks like or just report on the Waiting for Sarah isn’t exactly helping anyone trust the media any more than they do. Which brings me to a question that I debated with some friends last night — if a Sarah Palin sex tape was discovered, how fast do you think the media and networks would drop all of their “family” standards to play every minute of it?

Amazon rolled out its Cloud Drive, Google rolled out its Music Beta, and Apple is rolling out its iCloud service next week. Are any of you using these or even paying attention to these services? I’m curious about what the pros and cons of this really are. My recent digital music purchases from Amazon have offered me the chance to keep my purchases on the Cloud Drive, which sounds OK, except that I need it to be on my iPod and don’t know if this works. I’m nervous about not having physical possession of what I just bought too. So tell us what you think about these services if you are using them.

For fun, there’s *this* report of a study that finds that men rewear their underwear on vacation:

According to a new survey by the British travel agency, Sunshine, the average man packs just three-pair of underwear for a week-long trip. The average woman? Well she packs 10.

The survey also found the average man says he wears 98 percent of the stuff he packs. I’m thinking that if he’s only packing three pair of tighty whities underwear for 7 days, there must be some serious rewearing going on.

There’s alot going on in the world, so drop us some links on what interests you today.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (13)

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  1. skippertee says:

    Speaking of mens underwear, back in 2008 HANESBRAND decided to close factories in the USA,Central America and Mexico to move them overseas.
    I wrote a letter to the editor that follows.They didn’t publish it for some reason.

    Dear sir or madam ,
    Hanesbrands’ decision to close 9 plants in the USA , Central America and Mexico has left me gob-smacked ! I can understand , while opposing , closing plants in the USA due to labor costs . But to shutter factories in Central America and Mexico for lower-cost countries in Asia leaves me flabbergasted ! What do they pay workers in these countries ? A pound of rice and a bucket of grasshoppers a day ? If this trend continues our whole hemisphere will be in peril . I , for one , will no longer purchase Hanesbrands’ products . I will now inquire about the country of origin in all my intimate apparel and if the answers don’t meet my approval I am prepared to “go commando” until they do . I urge all men in our hemisphere to join me in this silent protest .

    I thought it was worthy of publication.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    “there must be some serious rewearing going on. ”

    Don’t discount the possibility that while on vacation, some men go commando.

  3. puck says:

    I think the underwear thing has more to do with cotton prices.

  4. Joe Cass says:

    Skip, they scream labor costs all the time. Its EPA regulations that they’re actually ducking. Loads of chemicals go into the briefs beneath you and only people that enjoy profits while poisoning ship manufacture over seas.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I wear 100% of the stuff I pack and wash my underwear in the sink. I try not to use luggage at all if possible – but when I do I can usually get everything I need stuffed into an empty Pringles can.

  6. PBaumbach says:

    i’m heading to the new castle county redistricting meeting at 5:30pm today, and then onto PDD at 7pm.

    I also plan to attend tomorrow’s state Senate redistricting meeting. Or should I keep this travel plan secret to protect me from terrorists?

    how was last Thursday’s state House redistricting meeting?

  7. skippertee says:

    Joe-Those RAT BASTARDS!
    Should I worry about my boys?
    Not for kids sake but isn’t testicular cancer on the rise?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I have a friend that once exclaimed that “when traveling, underwear has 4 sides”

    Also, if you are going to wear a bathing suit for a big portion of your trip, you may save a few pairs there…

    That said, I count out my underwear and have one pair a day when on the road.

  9. skippertee says:

    Since I can’t be sure of the origination of the underwear out there I’ve switched to an antique cod-piece I found at a garage sale.
    It is stamped AMCP or the AMALGAMATED MAKERS of COD-PIECES,a guild that flourished in the 15th through 17th centuries in the “English Isles”.
    It feels really good to support an extinct brotherhood.
    WORKERS of the WORLD UNITE, both DEAD and ALIVE!

  10. anon says:

    Urgent: John Carney has not signed the Carolyn Mahoney letter to the President requesting a recess appointment for Elizabeth Warren, 29 other democrats have. I just called and was told that Rep. Carney hasnt made a decision yet, he wants to talk it over with his “legislative staff”. Huh! Call his office: 202 225 4165…he should HEAR from his constituents.

  11. puck says:

    Urgent: John Carney has not signed the Carolyn Mahoney letter to the President requesting a recess appointment for Elizabeth Warren,

    Make the call now.

  12. skippertee says:

    John Carney,just another DINO.I already called.
    Primary this turd!
    KP for congress!!!!!!!

  13. anon says:

    It is amazing. I call Senator Coons office regularly to request his vote on this or that issue. Everytime I call his staff are not only polite but give me an answer. So what is up with Carney? Is he so dense he cant make a decision for himself. Is he putting his finger to the wind to see which way it blows? This appointment is not rocket science, he shouldnt have to consult with his legislative staff..its a no brainer.