Well, Knock Me Over With A Feather

Filed in National by on June 21, 2011

I think we may have reached some kind of turning point. Progressives are starting to drive some narratives and are getting some response. The ultra-conservative Family Policy Network has responded to the growing clamor from the left about the Weiner/Vitter hypocrisy.

“There are a lot of people that I think are committing outright hypocrisy and are forced to do so as long as he (Vitter) remains in office,” said Joe Glover, the president of the Family Policy Network, based in Forest, Va. “I don’t think the senator should put those folks in the untenable position of having to pragmatically defend his presence in the Senate.”

Glover noted, for example, that House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, had called on Weiner to resign, but had also contributed to Vitter’s 2010 re-election campaign.

An article that will be posted on the group’s website tomorrow asks, “So what did Republican leaders do about Senator Vitter? They let him off the hook.” The article continues, “[T]he public’s perception of Vitter as a sleazy, hypocritical Christian only served to tarnish the name of Christ among unbelievers.”

This will be probably the first time I’ve ever agreed with the FPN. V
Failure to condemn Vitter for much worse offenses does look like hypocrisy (IOKIYAR). Vitter is not so essential to the conservative movement that he can’t be sacrificed. Why not show their seriousness by kicking Vitter to the curb?

It’s not just the FPC that is criticizing Vitter. Prominent conservatives are criticizing Vitter, like Andrew Breitbart, Greta Van Sustern and Bill O’Reilly.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (12)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Shocking. I guess asking about Clarence Thomas would be an overreach.

    BTW – Countdown on the Clarence Thomas ethics trainwreck was good last night.

    Thank you Skydad for returning Olbermnan to us!

  2. donviti says:

    See look at that, weiner’s resignation is already having an intended and hoped for affect.

  3. donviti says:

    Prominent conservatives are criticizing Vitter, like Andrew Breitbart, Greta Van Sustern and Bill O’Reilly.

    prominent…man, between you and Jason, I’m not sure who is funnier over here

  4. SussexAnon says:

    Well they certainly do have a following. Breitbart IS the one who broke the story on Weiner. And Greta and Bill O are on the highest rated news channel that is also known for its conservative slant.

    They are all hardly unknown and are far from liberal hippies.

    So, yes, they should be considered prominent conservatives.

  5. Aoine says:

    and Thanks Skymom too!! 🙂

  6. Republican David says:

    I guess they didn’t notice his huge reelection. It is foolishness. Vitter handled it correctly. He didn’t lie or hide from it. It is his personal problem not ours and he should not resign. As for Weiner, he should have resigned either. He was too weak to stand up to the pressure. He created his problems by one doing the deed. Two lying about it. Three calling reporters in to his office and making them a part of the lie. He made the press his enemy. His wife is a fairly high level adminsitration official. It affected more than just his career. The President of his own party cut his legs out from under him (I think in retaliation for his opposing the adminstration on Israel). This had more background than a silly scandal where nothing really happened. Two adults sent steamy pictures of each other back and forth. One of them was married. That is not good, but it is far from the worse crime imaginable. That is worth a serious reprimand by his wife and some counseling. Since he used his Congressional Twitter for one, the Congress could reprimand him because he brought dishonor upon the institution.

    Resign, no. It is up to the voters on whether or not they think he has the judgment to represent them the next election. People should be judged by the entirity of their lives not one silly incident or else everyone is disqualified. Who hasn’t misspoken, been misinterpreted, or just plain did something dumb?

    These guys have suffered from their own foolishness. They have taken turns being a national joke and Vitter earned his way back. Weiner could have as well, but maybe for the sake of his high profile pregnant wife choose to give it up. That is a personal decision not a standard of behavior.

  7. Republican David says:

    Anyway, the fact that the left had certain motives for getting rid of Weiner, such as policy differences, is no reason for the right to eat its own. As a Christian, I believe in redemption not a self righteous purging of everyone who makes a poor choice. The Biblical model is repentence not resignation. King David did not resign. He fell on his face and repented. Some of his most enduring work turned out to be ahead of him including the legacy of hiers that included Solomon, and Jesus Christ. Peter denied the Lord, but his greatest work came after that restoration. He was ready to quit, but the Lord himself convinced him to continue. Leadership in the Christian model is not about not making mistakes. It is about what you do afterward.

    • I have to say “Vitter’s like Jesus” is a new & creative excuse. Bonus points for entertainment value.

      Since we now think re-election = redemption can we apply this standard equally, like to Ted Kennedy.

  8. Aoine says:

    “As a Christian, I believe in redemption not a self righteous purging of everyone who makes a poor choice”

    if you really believe your own tripe David – then you choose some very poor company…….and make some very poor choices

    remember – lay down with dogs, get up with fleas

    shall I name some of the pups for you?? good ,God-fearing, righteous Christians that follow the teaching of Jesus??

    Matthew 7:16 “By their fruit you will recognize them”

    true repentance is forgiveness along with resolving to not do it again – seems your crowd are a bunch of repeat offenders

  9. cassandra m says:

    Or Charlie Rangel.

  10. Republican David says:

    Vitter or Rangle didn’t kill someone. No Vitter is not like Jesus, silly. The LORD Jesus is perfect. Please reread and say something like King David or Saint Peter.

  11. Aoine says:

    funny David that you have no comment o my post

    hit a nerve did I???