McConnell Proposal Details Disclosed

Filed in National by on July 13, 2011

Jul 13, 2011 – (AP) — Attempting to blunt criticism of his recent proposal to for avoiding debt default by transferring full power to raise the debt ceiling to the White House, Senator Mitch McConnell recently released a more detailed proposal. The full McConnell plan stipulates that the President will be 100% responsible for anything bad that happens in the economy and the Republicans will be given credit for anything good that happens.

In explaining the proposal McConnell attempted to allay conservative fears that making the President look bad was not his top priority. “All Republicans are fully committed to resolving this crisis, or not resolving it, in a way that makes the President look bad. Above all, our empty headed constitutes sent us here to Washington to posture and my proposal will stipulate that Republican posturing is codified in law.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Free Market Democrat says:

    “The full McConnell plan stipulates that the President will be 100% responsible for anything bad that happens in the economy and the Republicans will be given credit for anything good that happens.”

    Unfortunately, that is the way it always works when you get elected. Its not a Democrat / Republican thing, its a power thing. With or without the McConnell plan, the President (who ever they are and when ever it is) always gets too much credit when times are good and too much blame when times are bad.

    That being said, it was still a pretty damn funny line by jason330.

  2. Interesting article on Eric Cantor. His nickname is “overdog” for his steadfast support of corporations job creators.

  3. puck says:

    I just watched ten minutes of broadcast news, and Republicans are winning the news cycle today, sort of. Yesterday during the White House meeting, Cantor apparently couldn’t shut up about short-term fixes, interrupting the President to propose some short-term plan right after Obama had said he wouldn’t consider it. Obama delivered a lecture to Cantor and walked out of the meeting, pretty much while the meeting was already wrapping up.

    This could have been a good thing for Obama, showing him as firm, passionate, and showing Cantor as the venal ratface he is.

    But Republicans got there game back and got out in front of it, and the news is leading with Cantor’s quote that Obama was “agitated,” and follows up with Boehner’s quote that dealing with Obama is like dealing with “jello,” (even though anybody paying attention knows it the Republican position that keeps shifting). Those are the quotes leading in the morning news.

    And that is against the backdrop of Wall Street commenters explaining with increasing urgency how unthinkable a default is.

    Republicans and their media are very dangerous in this kind of game. Remember, they are the people who won the White House by making enough people believe that a war hero was a coward and a traitor.