Wednesday Open Thread [11.9.11]

Filed in National by on November 9, 2011

A longtime Pocomoke City, MD councilman has died from injuries sustained Tuesday in a two car crash following a round of golf. Tragic. But the kicker: Bob Hawkins was 92. So he was still in office and golfing at 92.

Apocalypse imminent: Donviti supports Obama again.

PPP for Daily Kos & SEIU:.

Q: Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jump start the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not reelected or not?

Yes: 50
No: 41
Unsure: 10

Watch out George Will. You’re making some sense. Are you feverish?

“What is the candidates’ objection to Obama implementing the status-of-forces agreement that his predecessor signed in 2008? The candidates should answer three questions: How many troops would they leave in Iraq? For how long? And for what purpose? If eight years, 4,485 lives and $800 billion are not enough, how many more of each are they prepared to invest there? And spare us the conventional dodge about “listening to” the “commanders in the field.” Each candidate is aspiring to be commander in chief in a nation in which civilians set policy for officers to execute.”

A time-lapse taken from the front of the International Space Station as it orbits our planet.

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  1. puck says:

    I normally wouldn’t follow up on bullshit like Obama’s open-mic slip on Netanyahu, but it is an interesting case of everybody hearing what they want to hear, including media. To me, it sounds like Obama was remonstrating with Sarkozy and pointing out that he needed to work with Netanyahu and was not going to take part in criticism.

    Obama’s exact words were not recorded, and are being relayed by reporters. Here are some of the versions I was able to collect in a few minutes:

    “You’re fed up with him, what about me?” Obama replied. “I have to deal with him every day.” (Time)

    “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you,” Obama replied, according to the French interpreter. (Reuters)

    “You’re fed up with him,” Obama replied. “But I have to work with him every day.” (FOX)

    “You’ve had enough of him, but I have to deal with him every day,” (ABC)

    … and so on. Get the idea? The exact quote is in the wind. Nobody knows what Obama really said. Now, add to that the translation issues.

    The original report was on the French web site Arrêt sur images, but unfortunately it is behind a paywall so I had to retrieve it from another website (pardon my French):

    “Je ne peux plus le voir, c’est un menteur”, a lancé Sarkozy. “Tu en as marre de lui, mais moi, je dois traiter avec lui tous les jours !”, a rétorqué Obama…

    OK, that was in French. But what did Obama REALLY say? I am sure the French reporters got Sarkozy’s exact words right: “Je ne peux plus le voir” which means literally, “I can’t look at him anymore” or, “can’t stand the sight of him.”

    Remember, the reporters were hearing a conversation in which Obama was speaking in English through an interpreter. (unless Sarkozy was also speaking English and the translators were for the benefit of the audience? )

    But Obama responded in English through an interpreter. The French reporter translates Obama’s phrase from English to French as “Tu en as marre de lui… which is an idiomatic expression that means “You are fed up with him…”

    I studied French for seven years, and I also studied general translation theory. but that was a long time ago so take this with a grain of salt. But Obama’s quotes are clearly mistranslated. I know this because all the English translations have Obama responding with the same phrase Sarkozy used (“fed up”). But in the French reports, Obama did not use the same phrase as Sarkozy.

    So to recap, here’s my literal translation based on the original reports in French:

    Sarkozy: “I can’t look at him anymore.”

    Obama (translated): “You are fed up with him, but me, I must work with him every day.”

    So what did Obama really say, in English?

  2. puck says:

    donviti – it is cheap for Obama to talk like a Democrat once again, now that there is zero chance anybody will put Democrat legislation on his desk.

    We needed that kind of Democrat talk from Obama back during the Pelosi speakership, but Obama formed a coalition with Repubs and Blue Dogs instead.

    I’ll take the talk now because it is better than the alternative, but it is a deathbed conversion. Too little, too late.

    I think if somehow Pelosi is speaker again and Obama is President, Obama will revive his old conservative coalition, hire someone to call us all retards, and tell us it is for our own good.

  3. reis says:

    I need the hotwheels track shown in the video clip above.

  4. Another Mike says:

    DL — El Som in particular — get prominent mention in a Gannett story about Rep. Carney.|topnews|text|Home

  5. puck says:

    Wow – awesome mention, El Som! You are a true liberal thought leader!

    Remember the bad old days when we were told right here that complaining on the Internet was a waste of time? Now we know the message was getting through all the time. It just hadn’t reached critical mass yet.

    By the way, you know they know your real name, but I think pretending you are anonymous is their attempt to marginalize your opinion.

  6. anonymous says:

    Governor Markell on WDEL with Jenson. Tried to call to ask the Governor why he isn’t honoring Occupy Delaware’s right to occupy any public park/space in this state. Told at l:51…sorry, we cant put you on to talk to the Governor, gotta go to break.

    Not only do we have the Snooze Journal not telling the facts, it appears ole Rick Jenson purposely waited until the end of the show to bring up the ACLU and the occupiers, and then sorry we are out of time.

    We need a free press, not a corporate controlled press in this State.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps you weren’t put on because you actually identified yourself, or they recognized your voice.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    “I think if somehow Pelosi is speaker again and Obama is President, Obama will revive his old conservative coalition, hire someone to call us all retards, and tell us it is for our own good.”

    i disagree on the grounds that Dems wont get the House back until 2014..(my prediction for 2012 is retention of the WH, retention of the senate (1 or 2 seat flux in either direction and near takeover of the House) .. Obama (hopefully) will be a meaningless lame duck as the progressives will take over and punish him for his first term and the focus will be on getting ready for President Warren (of the Elizabeth variety) … now i’ll wake up and remember my reality of future president Pretzelbaker (or whatever Joe the PLumbers name is)

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    You mean President Cuomo, Ben. If Cuomo runs, I think he probably gets the nomination easily.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    My prediction is a relatively easy reelection for Obama (larger than Bush’s 2004 squeaker, but smaller than Clinton’s 1996 landslide), status quo in the Senate (no net gain or loss), and a takeover of the House with a very small majority (220-230).

  11. puck says:

    It’s early to say, but I think Kasich may have just delivered Ohio to Obama. It’s hard to win without Ohio. If so, Obama will be indebted to labor.

  12. anonymous says:

    No, WDEL like the Snooze Journal is protecting corporate america. Not only did the News Journal not tell the truth, but one reporter admitted the editors put words in his report he didnt file. Rick Jenson the biggest liar with a microphone in this state, telling Dana Garrett there are violent people in this movement, with molatov cocktails, selling drugs came right out of the mouth of Bill Oreilly. We are a totally non violent movement and Jenson knows that…lies, lies, lies.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    And it is so easy to cast the Occupy movement as liars when the people that call in have so thoroughly discredited themselves through years of deceit, malice and conspiracy theories.

    And just to be clear, I don’t mean Dana.

  14. anon says:

    “one reporter admitted the editors put words in his report he didnt file.”


    This happens all the time. Putting new words in, changing words around – it’s called editing.

    Inventing new facts or spinning a story – now that’s wrong.

  15. socialistic ben says:

    Cuomo is fine….. he could be doing more to support the OWS movement, but that’s just the revolutionary in me……
    but c’mon tell me you dont feel the same feelings for Future Senator Warren that you felt for Then-future-senator-Obama. “some day… they could be president”
    I guess no matter how many times i get my heartbroken, im always lookin for “the one”

  16. socialistic ben says:

    Id actually prefer a non-takover of the house….. let them kick out boner and elevate some slimeball like Cantor to speakership. Let that ass-hat keep up the policies and really remind everyone what republicans do when given any power at all. that way 2016 ends up being what 2008 SHOULD have been….. good bye all you blue dogs, good bye all you teahadis.

  17. socialistic ben says:

    to clarify, im NOT in favor of letting the country be harmed so my guys win elections….. if democrats still control they WH and senate, there will be little Cantor can do…. especially if he has a slim majority and a unified minority democratic party… he may have to pass legislation that hurts HIS political career (im more than fine with that) damages the republicans credibility (yes, it can still be damaged, and im also ok with that) all while delivering progressive legislation.

    disclaimer over.. hey LG, seen Rum Diary yet?

  18. puck says:

    There is actually another Republican debate tonight. When are the playoffs for this thing anyway?

  19. Perry says:

    “Rick Jenson the biggest liar with a microphone in this state, ….”

    Downstate here we have a great liar on WGMD called Bill Colley, so both ends of our state are well covered with liars!

  20. Anon says:

    Has anyone seen the clip of perry drawing a blank? Priceless. So it looks like Romney after all.

  21. kavips says:

    Just curious if anyone else had trouble on wordpress not coming up? Check kilroys and mine to see if they come up and leave an answer here…


  22. pandora says:

    Kavips, I tried to post on your blog a couple of days ago and couldn’t. It ate my comment!

  23. puck says:

    Re Perry brainfreeze: Bush got elected with worse. Like Bush, Perry’s spin today will be that his stupidity makes him a regular guy.

    Somebody made a poem out of Bush utterances:

    by George W. Bush

    I think we all agree, the past is over.
    This is still a dangerous world.
    It’s a world of madmen and uncertainty
    and potential mental losses.

    Rarely is the question asked
    Is our children learning?
    Will the highways of the Internet become more few?
    How many hands have I shaked?

    They misunderestimate me.
    I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
    I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.
    Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream.

    Put food on your family!
    Knock down the tollbooth!
    Vulcanize society!
    Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

  24. PBaumbach says:

    no open thread today—

    Today, by a 10-8 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation that would repeal DOMA and ensure the equality of all state-sanctioned marriages!

  25. socialistic ben says:

    occupy de is allowed to set up camp…. Big march planned for saturday.|video

  26. Occupy DE says:

    And occupied we are. It was a fine, but cold night at the Occupation tonight! I am proud that my first amendment rights have been acknowledged.

  27. socialistic ben says:

    occupy de, ive been trying to find someone who has an electronic copy of the Sherif sale petition. do you have a link?

  28. Aoine says:

    @socialistic ben contact me thru cassandra or MJ and I might be able to help u out there

  29. socialistic ben says:

    MJ or cass? help a bro?

  30. cassandra_m says:

    Check your email, SB.

  31. socialistic ben says:

    many thanks

  32. puck says:

    Just missed posting on 11/11/11 11:11. If I’m awake I’ll get another shot tonight.