Archive for December, 2011

John Carney: To be a Democrat, or a second rate Tom Carper? That is the question.

Filed in National by on December 10, 2011 4 Comments

We already have a guy who has pissed away his career cravenly sucking up to Republicans and corporations, do we really need another? Delaware would love an actual Democrat right now. You could be a hero, or second rate Tom Carper. From a “what is right” perspective, as well as a strategic perspective, this seems like a no brainer to me. The only problem is, with your current “bi-partisanship rulz!” PR campaign going on, I fear you’ve already made the wrong choice.

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‘Bulo To Unveil His 2011 MVP List Tuesday, Dec. 13…

Filed in Delaware by on December 10, 2011 2 Comments

…and for the first time, it will be simultaneously released here at DL and on the Al Mascitti Show. We’re talking 10 a.m., folks, here and on WDEL-1150 AM. I’m putting my magnum opus together now, and it will be fraught with both fun and controversy. I’ve gotten more comfortable with my list as I’ve prepared it. Of course, I’ve changed my initial list twice now already, and I’m likely not done fiddling with it.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [12.10.11]

Filed in National by on December 10, 2011 2 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [12.10.11]

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Friday Open Thread [12.9.11]

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 6 Comments

A new University of Massachusetts at Lowell/Boston Herald poll finds Elizabeth Warren (D) has opened up a lead against Sen. Scott Brown (R) for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, 49% to 42%.

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God is My Abortionist

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 6 Comments

I’m not sure if the “God is my abortionist” defense would work in the American Christian Taliban world of the future. That’s not stopping baby factory & reality TV star, Michelle Duggar, from using it.

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Can crowd sourced mockery of GOP lunacy compensate for not owning cable news networks?

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 3 Comments

Anyway, the left has virtually nothing. No candidates, no money, no cable TV news networks. All we have is youtube and daily kos. Is that enough?

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Tiny Tony to Sen. Bonini: “Merry Xmas From Da Godfadda!”

Filed in Delaware by on December 9, 2011 28 Comments

You may remember the undistinguished Bonini pissed (and perhaps ate) away his shot at State Treasurer and, about a month later, flipped his vote to give Tony DeLuca the number needed to hang on to his spot as President Pro-Tempore. You may also remember the undistinguished Bonini as the ‘fiscal watchdog’ who ripped off the state’s taxpayers by not showing up for his job on the Joint Sunset Committee, yet still getting paid for it. As punishment for Bonini ripping off the taxpayers, noted ‘double-dipper’ Tiny Tony DeLuca, inexplicably the President Pro-Tempore of the Delaware State Senate, has given Colin Bonini a promotion. To the Capital Improvements Committee, or ‘Bond Bill’ Committee.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [12.9.11]

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 7 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [12.9.11]

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Dishonorable Discharge

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011 1 Comment

It seems that the Bush-era Department of the Air Force and Defense Department really didn’t give a damn about those who made the ultimate sacrifice for out country. The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, far more than the military had acknowledged, before halting the secretive practice three years ago, records show.

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More Rethuglican Crazy Talk

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 2 Comments

Now why didn’t someone at the USDA think of this? Apparently, we’re so fat as a nation that we’re wasting money on food stamps. At least that’s what Rick Santorum thinks.

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Perry = Pander Bear

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 9 Comments
Perry = Pander Bear

Rick Perry is scared that he’s going to be nothing more than an asterisk in the race for the Rethuglican-Confederate-Teabagger party nomination for President. So much so that he’s now pandering to the extreme right wing for votes in Iowa. He is running the following gay-baiting ad on TV out there. Click through….

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C’Mon Delaware Season 2

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 6 Comments

With election season bearing down on us like an ethics investigation bearing down on Newt’s speakership, I think that it is time to bring back the podcast. I need a new wingman/side kick/partner, and this time I’d like it to be a true partnership. That means I’m looking for someone with the geeky wherewithal to set up an account on a podcasting service and do most of the leg work involved in posting the pod cast.

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Mitt vs. Newt Fratricide will leave both unelectable

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 5 Comments

This morning I was not very impressed with Mitt’s attack on Newt, but this afternoon’s stuff is much better than I even hoped. Mitt’s team is going after Newt’s “erratic behavior” and stating flat out that Newt is “unfit to lead” and has a history of “irrational behavior that you do not want in the commander-in-chief.” It is tough stuff that will require Newt to climb down into the gutter.

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