Archive for December, 2011

Dr. John E. Stapleford is a dishonest fraud

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011 5 Comments

I made the mistake of reading an email that I got from the CRI’s dishonest fraud, Dr. John E. Stapleford. Stappy sucked me in by sounding almost human for a second.

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.14.11]

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011 2 Comments

“If Governor Perry, a self-proclaimed Christian, is really interested in channeling the cares and concerns of Jesus, he might consider saying a word about poverty and injustice, which seemed to have concerned Jesus even more than gays in the military. Sometimes the worst advertisements for Christianity are its adherents.”

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Castle’s Signature Achievement is a “Waste.” Castle Agrees.

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011 18 Comments

Mike Castle likes coins. He likes coins so much that he has sponsored various pieces of legislation regarding coins. The state quarter thing, that was Castle. Coins celebrating the national parks, that was Castle. The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005? Castle’s idea. An idea so popular and wanted with and by the people that 1.4 billion coins are sitting in the Federal Reserve’s valuts due to lack of demand.

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Did Tony DeLuca Resign From the State Senate And Not Even Know It?

Filed in Delaware by on December 14, 2011 105 Comments

I believe that the answer is yes. I believe that legal precedent established in this state also says yes. I believe that, according to law, Tony DeLuca is illegally serving as President Pro-Tempore of the Delaware State Senate and illegally serving as a member of the Delaware State Senate. I shall now proceed to explain to you why I believe this to be true.

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The O’Donnell Endorsement of Romney Just Got Funnier

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011 13 Comments

How much comedy can O’Donnell squeeze out of her endorsement of Mitt Romney? Apparently there is a bottomless reserve.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.14.11]

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011 0 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.14.11]

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Christine O’Donnell to Endorse Tonight.

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 29 Comments

The most prized endorsement in the history of mankind will be announced tonight, according to an email from the Friends of Christine O’Donnell (she has friends?). I am sure you cannot wait another moment. Will she side with the vile and toxic Ann Coulter and stick with Romney? Will she jump on the Gingrich bandwagon? Will she stay true to her anti-sex anti-gay anti-masturbation and anti-reason principles and endorse the frothy mix that is Rick Santorum?

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Rick Santorum is clueless

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 4 Comments
Rick Santorum is clueless

Here is a guy posing with a sign that he should never have posed with.

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Senator Coons blasts republicans over Cordray filibuster and general assholishness

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 3 Comments

In refreshingly honest and direct language, Senator Chris Coons blasted the GOP for blocking the appointment of Richard Cordray, President Obama’s pick to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. In an interview on the liberal leaning Bill Press show, Coons stated, “I think he should have been confirmed and again it is just part of a theme here. Filibuster, filibuster filibuster. We can’t even get to a vote on important nominations.” Coons called into the interview this morning while commuting to Washington on Amtrak.

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Tuesday Open Thread [12.13.11]

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 3 Comments

Republicans are truly amazing in that they just cannot help themselves. If they found a candidate who was half way likeable, half way competent, and who sounded populist tones (kind of like Sarah Palin but with a brain), they might win this election going away. Instead, they have as their choice two unlikeable monsters who are filthy rich and are racing to see which one can make life on easy street more easy.

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UPDATED: Why do I have to stumble over these truths?

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 8 Comments

Tune on out if you are sick of me talking about how shitty our congressional delegation is. Still with me? Well I’d like the answer to a few questions after you read this:

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‘Bulo’s 2011 Top 10 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause)

Filed in Delaware by on December 13, 2011 16 Comments

2011 was a mixed year for progressivism in Delaware. We saw tremendous strides on social issues, especially equal rights for all Delawareans. We also saw the ongoing embrace between prominent D elected officials and the Billionaires on the Hill, to the detriment of the other 99%. We saw the emergence of the ‘We Are the 99%’ movement via OWS which, nationally was the best thing to happen for the progressive cause since 1964. We saw ongoing corruption, inbreeding and cronyism in the Delaware General Assembly. We saw the first legitimate attempts to challenge the rot at the core of the Delaware Way.

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Don’t Forget: MVP List Unveiled at 10 A. M. Today

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 0 Comments

To be released simultaneously here at Delaware Liberal and on the Al Mascitti Show on WDEL 1150-Newsradio. Followed by 2 hours of MVP talk on Al’s show. Why don’tcha click onto DL and follow along as we discuss the picks, the omissions, and the concept of ‘blogging as performance art’? What do I mean by that? All will be answered beginning at 10 this morning. For those new here, MVP is my annual Top 1o list of those who contributed the Most to the Progressive Cause in Delaware. Past winners were Karen Peterson and Christine O’Donnell. Who will it be this year?

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