Sunday Morning NBC GOP Debate

Filed in National by on January 8, 2012

Take my prediction post from yesterday and toss it in the trash.  Let me try again…

My prediction for this mornings debate is… I got nothing.  You see, I actually believed “the not-Romney” candidates when they were threatening attack on “the Romney.”  I believed it because it made sense to go after the front runner.  It’s flippin’ Politics 101, for crying out loud.

And if they weren’t going to follow through with all their trash-talking why did they even bother to show up?  I swear, I truly expected every one of them to end last night’s debate conceding to Romney, because, hey, that’s what they did.

Here are some of my random thoughts from last night:

1. Romney was the invisible man.  He barely participated and didn’t have to defend himself.  Great for winning the primary, but dangerous when approaching a general.  IMO, a primary should season the eventual nominee; it should bring to light all potential pitfalls so they can be aired and dealt with, and hopefully be considered “old” news by the time the general election rolls around.  Romney isn’t being seasoned.

2. ABC seemed determined to take out Rick Santorum with the contraception issue.  Not that he doesn’t deserve it, but the amount of time devoted to this topic was ridiculous.

3.  How do you have a debate without discussing jobs, heath care or immigration?  ABC was horrible.

4. Perry wants to send troops back to Iraq, and seems to think that Iran is going to invade Iraq again?

5. Huntsman sounds sane, and, still, nobody cares.

6. Is Paul running for VP?  He did Romney’s dirty work last night.

7.  Gingrich was, also, largely missing from last night’s debate, but did manage to appeal to South Carolina with the “Christians are persecuted” applause line.

You know who was persecuted last night?  Me.  And, fool that I am, I’ll be doing it all over again this morning.

Consider this an open thread fro the debate.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (41)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Seriously, Pandora. You deserve a drink from all of us. I’ll buy on Tuesday.

    Our hopes for a better debate lie in the hands of David Gregory, so don’t get your hopes up.

  2. pandora says:

    I was stunned last night. And while Romney didn’t take any hits last night (unless you count Huntsman’s Chinese speaking comeback. WTF was that?) he didn’t score any points.

    And he won’t get away with his vague non-answers in a general election debate.

    I’ll take that drink, DD. I’m gonna need it.

  3. pandora says:

    Hmmm… Gingrich and Santorum come out swinging at Romney.

  4. pandora says:

    For crying out loud, Is Romney capable of answering a question with specifics? I did “things.” I want to do “things.”

  5. pandora says:

    Gingrich to Mitt: “I realize the red light doesn’t mean anything to you because you’re the frontrunner.”

  6. pandora says:

    Huntsman: Romney attacked me on putting my country first.

  7. pandora says:

    Mitt’s stuttering.

    Say’s Huntsman shouldn’t have worked for Obama – should have put conservative values first. Huntsman responds: That’s what’s wrong with this country.

    Looks like game’s on.

  8. pandora says:

    3 programs that have to be cut:

    Huntsman: Means testing
    Santorum: Means testing, food stamps, housing program and Medicaid send back to states

  9. pandora says:

    Gregory to Gingrich: Ryan plan – mentions that Santorum wants current seniors to accept cuts now

  10. pandora says:

    Gingrich puts new words to waste, fraud and abuse

  11. pandora says:

    Perry finally able to name his 3 marked for death departments. Audience cheers. Not kidding

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Huntsman is right. There is nothing more honorable than serving your country no matter who is President. Huntsman is to be commended for serving as Ambassador to China, especially when he knew it might damage his political prospects.

  13. pandora says:

    I agree, DD. That scored a direct hit against Mitt… in New Hampshire, at least.

  14. pandora says:

    Santorum questioned on cutting ss on seniors. Says everyone should have what Congress has.

    To Romney on tax debate between Norquist and Buffet – who knows more between those two. STUPID QUESTION. Romney No New Taxes, reduce taxes. Cut Obamacare. He does not to change SS and medicare for existing seniors.

  15. pandora says:

    Have to say, Gregory is doing pretty well.

  16. pandora says:

    Gregory points out that Paul hasn’t accomplished much

  17. pandora says:

    Santorum: All the things people like about Paul he can’t accomplish and all the things they don’t like about him he can accomplish day one. Paul is getting spanked.

  18. pandora says:

    Huntsman waxes lyrical on term limits for Congress. Yawn.

  19. pandora says:

    Perry wants a part time congress so they can back to their states and get a real job, oh, and also, a balanced budget amendment.

    Actually, Perry is doing well by Sarah Palin standards.

  20. pandora says:

    Onto home heating assistance: Huntsman says we can’t effectively cut it until we move towards energy independence. We have to break up oil distribution monopoly.

  21. pandora says:

    To Paul: How do you feel about subsidies and oil heating program.

    Subsidies cause harm. Uh oh… are we heading into the gold standard?

  22. pandora says:

    Romney up: All these federal programs need to be sent back to the states.

  23. pandora says:

    Uh oh, Romney questioned on how he’s stood up for gay rights. Romney: I don’t discriminate, I have a gay friend.

    Romney does well. “When was the last time you spoke out for gay rights?” Romney: “Right now.”

  24. pandora says:

    To Perry: would you make right to work a federal issue? Perry: it is a federal issue. I am not anti-union, I’m pro-job.

  25. pandora says:

    Question: Do you agree with McCain that Obama is a patriot?

    Perry: Obama is a socialist!

    Gregory to Santorum: Are you a socialist for supporting Medicare Part D? Santorum bobbing and weaving. SOCIALIST!

  26. pandora says:

    Question: Most Americans believe Healthcare is a right.

    Paul: Entitlements are not rights. Only one type of “right” – right to liberty!

  27. pandora says:

    Question to Huntsman: What does “Live Free or Die” mean to you?


    Meanwhile TPM is reporting that Romney is slipping in NH polls.

    9:57 AM: Just out from the Suffolk daily tracking poll …

    For the fourth day in a row, Mitt Romney has fallen in overnight tracking, and Rick Santorum has dropped into fifth place among likely voters in the Jan. 10 New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, according to the latest Suffolk University/7News two-day tracking poll.

    Ron Paul is gaining on Romney, while Jon Huntsman has rallied into third place.

    Romney dropped 4 percentage points overnight to 35 percent. The former Massachusetts governor still holds a 15 point lead, but his margin has declined by 8 percentage points since last Tuesday, when 43 percent of likely Republican voters backed Romney.

  28. pandora says:

    Big news of the debate:

    Romney: ““I happened to see my dad run for governor when he was 54 years old. He had good advice to me. He said never get involved in politics if you have to win election to pay a mortgage. If you find yourself in a position when you can serve, you ought to have a responsibility to do so if you think you can make a difference, and don’t get involved in politics when your kids are still young because it may turn their heads.”

    Got that poor and middle class people?

  29. pandora says:

    30 second lightning round:

    Why can’t we live with a nuclear Iran and will you go to war with them?

    Santorum: They are a theocracy, unlike me. Pakistan is different because they are not a theocracy.

    On tone and Super Pac and why is he launching now:

    Gingrich: I’m consistent because I deal with facts. Going after Bain, citing the NYT and WaPo. Doubles down: asks Romney to admit it is his ads. Romney says that, of course, they are his supporters, but he hasn’t seen ANY of those ads. Bwahahahahaha!

  30. pandora says:

    Gingrich and Romney going at it over super pacs.

  31. Jason330 says:

    Is it going to be Huntsman’s turn as the not-Romney.? I doubt it… Mormon.

  32. pandora says:

    To Santorum: How would you use the bully pulpit?

    To preach about the breakdown of the family.

  33. pandora says:

    Paul: I would continue to preach the gospel of liberty.

  34. cassandra m says:

    It *is* pretty choice that one of the biggest boosters of Citizen’s United (Gingrich) is being creamed by it.

    Thanks for live-blogging this, P. We need to chip in to buy you a case of the prosecco of your choice after living through the clown car again.

  35. pandora says:

    And… it’s done!

  36. Jason330 says:

    I can’t believe that they scheduled a debate while people are still hungover from last night’s drinking games.

  37. fightingbluehen says:

    Why does David Gregory remind me of an actual well coiffed butthole?

  38. pandora says:

    Here’s a tweet that sums it up:

    Oliver Willis
    @owillis Oliver Willis

    does the romney doctrine extend to the military? if you are opposite party from potus, should u not serve?

    Good question. Romney hurt himself today.

  39. Delaware Dem says:

    Indeed. Does it extend to police, fire and emergency services? If you are a Republican trapped in a fire, or in need of emergency care, do you really expect a Democratic firefighter, policeman or health care worker to rescue you? Under the Romney Doctrine, those first responders are required to let that Republican die.

    And vice versa if a Democrat were trapped in a fire.

    Mitt Romney is evil. Pure and simple.

  40. Jefferson says:

    Ron Paul is on his way to a strong second place finish–he may even keep Romney’s margin in the single digits and it appears Huntsman will place third. This may very well have the effect of extinguishing the brief Santorum moment in the sun. Finishing 2nd in Iowa means little if you are 5th or a weak 4th in New Hampshire. The net effect of this scenario is to help Romney as there will be no “anti-Romney” with such mixed results in the first two states. It is hard to see a strong challenge to Romney in SC under this scenario unless one of Gingrich or Santorum drop out.

    LOL at Perry being at 1%–he actually received less support in that poll than Buddy Roemer.

  41. Jason330 says:

    “Ron Paul is on his way to a strong second place finish–he may even keep Romney’s margin in the single digits…”

    And how much must it kill Ron Paul supporters to know that Paul isn’t going anywhere? $13 million in the bank and if he gets anything out of all of this, it will be a slightly better tv time slot for his grumpy old man shtick at the Republican National Convention.