Romney Doesn’t Deserve Context

Filed in National by on January 10, 2012

Before we get into the “I Like to fire people” statement allow me to point out that Romney is a bit of a gaffe machine.

There’s the 10,000.00 bet. The “Corporations are people, my friend” comment.  The don’t run for office unless you’re rich beauty of a statement.  These gaffes have one thing in common; they reinforce what everyone knows – that he’s a privileged, little rich kid who doesn’t have the first idea how the other 99% live.  Can’t wait to hear about those times he was worried about receiving a pink slip.

Which is why the “I like to fire people” comment has caught fire.

Romney is now calling foul, saying that the words were taken out of context – which they were, but, hey, this isn’t bean bag.  This is a political game, and one that Romney plays.

Remember this Romney Ad:

The ad which began airing in New Hampshire Tuesday uses audio of then-Sen. Obama campaigning in the state in 2008, saying: “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.
The ad omits any acknowledgement that Obama was quoting the campaign of his opponent, 2008 GOP nominee John McCain. Instead, the ad leaves the impression that it is Obama who does not want to discuss the economy.

When questioned about taking Obama’s words out of context, Romney said:  “There was no hidden effort on the part of our campaign. It was instead to point out that what’s sauce for the goose is now sauce for the gander,”

How do you like the sauce now, Mitt?  So, forgive me, if I don’t jump on the “he was taken out of context” whine.

Honestly, Chris Matthews summed up Romney on Sunday.  Matthews said that whenever another candidate challenges or interrupts Romney, Romney acts like the Country Club guy asking, “Are you a member of this club?”  Brilliant, and true.

In my opinion, Romney’s gaffes aren’t gaffes, they’re who he really is.  A rich, corporate guy who can afford to run for office, make 10,000.00 bets and likes to fire people.  Hey, what’s sauce for the goose…


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. AMEN. Romney bragged about taking Obama out of context, so now he’s mad that people are following the precedent is used against him? LOL

  2. rusty dils says:

    Pandora and unstable, your guys logic is so far out of this atmosphere, that I cannot believe that there are hardly any other human beings on earth, (or any other planet) who think like you. We are going to have to address your coments one by one.
    1. The 10,000 dollar bet. That technique for persuading people to see your point of view,(or schock them into realizing that they are wrong), is as old as time. Remember “put your money where your mouth is “. I am 53, and have been in the equipment sales business My whole life. I have used that technique at least a dozen times in My career. Usually for an amount of 1,000 to 5,000 dollars. I usually only resort to using it when I am really talking to an idiot (like Rick Perry). If nothing else, it seems to be effective 100% of the time in shutting the othier person up.

  3. puck says:

    I guess Rusty just Perried the rest of his points.

  4. rusty dils says:

    Pandora and unstable, your guys logic is so far out of this atmosphere, that I cannot believe that there are hardly any other human beings on earth, (or any other planet) who think like you. We are going to have to address your coments one by one.
    1. The 10,000 dollar bet. That technique for persuading people to see your point of view,(or schock them into realizing that they are wrong), is as old as time. Remember “put your money where your mouth is “. I am 53, and have been in the equipment sales business My whole life. I have used that technique at least a dozen times in My career. Usually for an amount of 1,000 to 5,000 dollars. I usually only resort to using it when I am really talking to an idiot (like Rick Perry). If nothing else, it seems to be effective 100% of the time in shutting the othier person up.
    2. Corporations are people. People get 100% of the money from corporations. Not animals, not cocrete, not wood, but people.
    3. If. You do not want to have the ability to fire people when they do a lousy job, you need to move to a different country. I suppose if you hired a babysitter to watch your small kids, and you came home and the baby sitter was letting your kids play with Sharp knives, that you would not want the ability to fire the baby sitter.
    4. One of our greatest generals from ww2 was George patron, he and his family were wealthy, good thing we allowed him to serve us
    I have to go for now, I have to go give these same arguments to some 2 year olds I know.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Rusty – get the two year olds to explain it to you. Also, see if they can help with the spelling.

  6. pandora says:

    Rusty loves him some Mitt. 🙂 Which is a good thing because somebody has to like the guy.

  7. BTW, Romney fans, your defense that it’s good to fire people is pretty bad. The best defense is out-of-context but Romney has already said that’s ok, so he’s stuck. I’m just amazed at how incredibly bad Romney has been lately. His gaffes might not be hurting him so much right now but it’ll be killer in the general. Worse even for Romney is the idea that he’s a liar is starting to gain traction. Untrustworthy flip-flopper, he’ll have the worst of Gore & Kerry.

  8. pandora says:

    And the press doesn’t like Romney. Not one little bit. He’s not going to get the mavericky maverick pass.

  9. AQC says:

    1. I usually say “I’ll bet you a dollar”.
    2. I don’t get any money from a corporation, I get it from the small business I work for.
    3. Yes, I want to be able to fire people who don’t do their job, but, I’ll never like it.
    4. Did Romney serve in a war?

  10. rusty dils says:

    Romney likes the ability to be able to fire people, not firing people, you guys miss this very important distinct difference

  11. rusty dils says:

    Patton served his country. As president, romney will be serving his country.
    I do not have to have the exact same job in government as another person to be serving My country.

  12. puck says:

    Newt likes to fire his wives.

  13. puck says:

    “you guys miss this very important distinct difference”

    We didn’t miss it; we just don’t care. Read the post again.