Why Does Mitt Romney Want To Be President?

Filed in National by on January 11, 2012

During the GOP debate last Sunday Mr. Pandora asked, “What is Romney’s Plan?  What is his vision?”  I opened my mouth to answer, but I had nothing.  He went on to say, “Romney is incapable of specifics.”

I agree.

Of course, Steve Benen says it best:

Why does Romney want the presidency?

I understand that he’d like power. I also understand that he might even feel entitled to it. In Romney’s mind, it’s likely his “turn” to be president, and if he can demonstrate his contempt and disgust for Obama to the satisfaction of his party, Romney seems to believe that should be enough.

But is it? Ask yourself: after five years of national campaigning, can you say what he strives to do as the leader of the free world? What grand vision he’ll pursue to “save the soul of America”?

“Repeal Obamacare” isn’t an answer, so much as it’s a negation of recent progress. “Create jobs” is a worthwhile goal, but it’s a vague platitude. Romney’s speech last night, and indeed all of his recent speeches, tell us practically nothing. We know Romney has an odd hang-up about Europe, and that he’s comfortable lying with a straight face about the president, but ultimately his agenda is thin and his vision is … small.

Small?  Ouch!  But it’s true.  Romney has been running for a long time.  We should be able to define his goals and vision for the country off the tops of our heads.

Can anyone answer Benen’s question?  I still got nothing.

*Love the fact that Romney used a teleprompter.  If ever there was a candidate who needed one…

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. anonone says:

    He likes to be able to fire people.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Once again the answer was hiding in plain sight.

  3. You’re just jealous!

  4. rusty dils says:

    At last, you have asked the right question. Why does mitt romney want to be president. It is a fair question, and a good question.
    Prior to the 2008 gop primaries, I had never heard of mitt romney. One night in 2007 I turned the tv onto a republican debate, midway through the broadcast. I don,t know which debate it was, but I remember that the candidates were, Ron Paul, mitt romney, huckabee, and john mccain. I watched for about 15 minutes and new immediatly that mitt romney needed to be president of the united states, even though I had never heard of him, or had never seen him before.
    It may not be a simple answer to understand why he wants to be president. I am sure there are a number of ingredients, just like there are in any good soup. But I believe I can identify several of the reasons.
    1. He was obviously born with some good DNA, that has allowed him to function at a very high level, both academicpally, and in the public and private sector.
    2. He was also lucky enough to have a great upbringing. I don’t just mean with well to do parents, but also with parents that taught him about hardworking, and things like honesty, and intretity.
    3. He had a lot of business success, and that propably gives him a tremendous amount of confidence in his problem solving abilities.
    4. He had a lot of success in the public and non profit sector.
    5. Finally, he is a man who has learned how to shape events, rather than be shaped by them. I strongly believe that mitt romney knows from all his life experiences, that he should be our president. He wants to help our country become great again, and he knows that he is the man to get the job done. It is no different than why any particular man wants to get married and have a family, he just feels inside of himself that this is what he should be doing, and if he accomplishes it, it will be very satisfying.

  5. Aoine says:

    well he blew it with the Latino and immigrant community!!
    so I believe the question is moot…if he is the nominee – he has an uphill climb.

    this issue will not be dropped, That I can promise you!


    say goodnight gracie!

  6. anon40 says:

    Mitt is a corporate shill. Shame on all of us if he’s elected.

  7. anonone says:

    rusty dills: If “intretity” is a new word that means constantly changing positions and saying anything soley for the purpose of getting money and votes, then Mittens is a man of intretity, for sure.