Thursday Open Thread [1.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 19, 2012

So long Rick Perry. We hardly knew thee. Thank God for that. What is with Presidential candidates quitting in the middle of the week, only days before the next primary. I understand dropping out right after a poor or less then expected showing in a primary, but why right before a primary? You would think that Perry and Huntsman would like to have see how they did in South Carolina. Meanwhile…. Newtmentum II? Yes, Newmentum II.


SOUTH CAROLINA (American Research Group): Gingrich 33, Romney 32, Paul 19, Santorum 9, Perry 4.

SOUTH CAROLINA (InsiderAdvantage): Gingrich 32, Romney 29, Paul 15, Santorum 11, Perry 3.

NATIONAL (CBS News): Romney 28, Gingrich 21, Santorum 16, Paul 15, Perry 7, Huntsman 2

NATIONAL (Gallup): Romney 33, Gingrich 16, Santorum 14, Paul 12, Perry 7

NATIONAL (Pew): Romney 31, Gingrich 16, Paul 15, Santorum 14, Perry 5, Huntsman 2

NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Romney 30, Gingrich 27, Santorum 15, Paul 13, Perry 4

FLORIDA (CNN/Opinion Research): Romney 43, Santorum 19, Gingrich 18, Paul 9, Perry 2

NEW JERSEY (Quinnipiac): Romney 40, Gingrich 14, Santorum 14, Paul 12, Huntsman 4, Perry 2

OHIO (Quinnipiac): Romney 27, Santorum 18, Gingrich 17, Paul 10, Perry 4, Huntsman 2

SOUTH CAROLINA (CNN/Opinion Research): Romney 33, Gingrich 23, Santorum 16, Paul 13, Perry 6


NATIONAL (Pew): Obama d. Romney (50-45); Obama d. Romney and Ron Paul (44-32-18)

NEW JERSEY (Quinnipiac): Obama d. Romney (48-38)

OHIO (Quinnipiac): Obama d. Romney (44-42); Obama d. Paul (48-39); Obama d. Santorum (48-37); Obama d. Gingrich (52-38)

According to Chuck Todd, there is movement towards Gingrich in the Palmetto State.

There are some increasing signs — though all of it anecdotal for now — that Newt Gingrich is gaining some momentum three days before the South Carolina primary. First was his strong debate performance on Monday, from which his campaign cut a new TV ad. Second, the Romney campaign today is holding a conference call (featuring former Sen. Jim Talent and former Rep. Susan Molinari) with the sole purpose of hitting Gingrich, and we haven’t seen one of those from the Romney camp since Iowa. And third, Sarah Palin sort of endorsed Gingrich last night, saying per NBC’s Alex Moe: “If I had to vote in South Carolina, in order to keep this thing going, I’d vote for Newt and I would want this to continue.”

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  1. pandora says:

    Would the fact that polls show Rmoney (why yes, I am stealing that!) losing to Obama encourage Paul to run as a third party candidate? I mean, if Paul believes Rmoney is going to lose anyway… Just something I was wondering about.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    The argument against Ron Paul doing that is that it would somehow damage the future prospect of his son, Rand Paul, as a future national candidate in the party. Rand Paul has been mentioned as a possible 2016 presidential candidate.

  3. MJ says:

    This is going to be a fun race to watch – Don Ayotte (yes, that one from DP), is running for Sussex County Council.

    Wonder if he’s going to scub all of his comments and blog posts from DP.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    let’s start compiling screen grabs and buying billboard time in sussex…. although some of his more outrageous rants might help him there.

    DD, ive heard that argument too. I think it’s cute that they think Randy has a future out side of the bible belt.

  5. reis says:

    Maybe Perry is keeping alive some hope for a VP endorsement.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Ayotte – Says Sussex County has become a welfare state. So no doubt he is running to cut all the millions that SC is spending on “welfare” from the county budget.

  7. MJ says:

    His comments won’t help him in the 3rd district (Rehoboth, Lewes, Milton).

  8. Joe Cass says:

    The Joker is alive and well and married to Newt Gingrich.

  9. cassandra m says:

    I thought of Katherine Helmond’s character in Brazil, when I saw Calista’s picture.

  10. Miscreant says:

    I think you nailed that one. Brazil is one awesome flick.

  11. Jason330 says:

    I soooo love that movie. Yep. Calista is creepy. BUT why haven’t I seen a picture of Newt’s head superimposed on some cartoonish 1960’s swinger’s body flashing the peace sign? I mean, I heard about his open marriage 6 hours ago. Are the internet tubes just slow today or what?

  12. Joe Cass says:

    Brilliant, Cassandra! As uncomfortable as Brazil made me, I think that was the kicker.

  13. MJ says:

    Seems like Evan Q isn’t raising much money, although he did get $600 from Friends of Christine O’Donnell. Hmm, is that Kosher?

  14. Jason330 says:

    So… Evan Q gave Evan Q $600. Paid in collectible quarters no doubt.

  15. Joe Cass says:

    I think its worth a few bucks to contribute to the violent one’s campaign if only for the laugh factor. Face it, TD leaves a lot to be desired, I’d like to watch him work for his two jobs and three pensions.

  16. MJ says:

    Geek – from a Federal account to a state race?

  17. auntie dem says:

    MJ – still okay. Geek is right.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Is it still a federal account or has it become a PAC? Might not matter either way.

  19. puck says:

    “Ayotte – Says Sussex County has become a welfare state. ”

    He has a point. Sussex residents accept more direct government payment to individuals per capita than Kent and NCC. And that’s not counting the farm subsidies. Yet in their minds, NCC is the welfare county. Is Don planning to run on a “Send the checks back” platform?

  20. Digby says:

    Obama regarding the pipeline: “they’re going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance.”

    Can someone explain how this would work exactly?

  21. MJ says:

    Someone in Newtie’s campaign needs to tell the press not to photograph him from behind. Talk about a fat ass. 😛

  22. puck says:

    Newt will have to put Chris Christie on the ticket, if for no other reason than to look thinner.