Archive for February, 2012

There’s A Name For Forced Penetration Of A Women Without Her Consent

Filed in National by on February 16, 2012 12 Comments

The Republican war on women – and it is a war – has moved on to the next, but certainly not last, step in Virginia.

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results: Karen Weldin Stewart

Filed in National by on February 16, 2012 11 Comments

The polls are closed on the job performance of Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart, and the results are, as expected, strongly negative for KWS. The polls are now open for Congressman John Carney.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [2.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on February 16, 2012 4 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [2.16.12]

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Wednesday Open Thread [2.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 15, 2012 6 Comments

“If Romney were to lose Michigan, it is very difficult to see how he can accumulate a majority of delegates … And if Santorum does well in [poorer Michigan] districts, he could transfer that support to the other rust belt states that look a lot like them. The most important of these rust belt states is Ohio, which votes on 7 March. Michigan has somewhat fewer born-again Christians and evangelicals than Ohio (46%) did in the 2008 Republican primary. It had a nearly equal percentage of those making greater than $200,000 to Ohio’s (5%). If Rick Santorum can win in both Michigan and Ohio, I can begin to see how he could conceivably put together enough delegates to reach a majority. He seems to be polling well enough in the south (leading in Tennessee, for example) to win the nomination – even if he loses in states like New York, New Jersey and California (though a recent poll there put him in a close second).”

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Posthumous Baptism

Filed in National by on February 15, 2012 14 Comments

I am Catholic. A non-devout Catholic. A Cafeteria Catholic, as it were. I really do not care about what other Christian denominations or other religions believe or don’t believe. And I am not really offended by what they think about me and my beliefs. For example, I could be offended by the Evangelicals and their belief that I am going to Hell if I don’t “find” Jesus. Like I always tell them, I don’t need to find Jesus. I never lost Him.

But I digress.

Like I said, other religions can believe what they want. What they cannot do, however, is involve me in their religions against my will, or without my knowledge.

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Rick Jensen Interviews Red Clay Officials On Referendum

Filed in National by on February 15, 2012 24 Comments

Kilroy live-blogged the show. Go over to his place and read the whole thing!

Before I get into what was said during the interview let me say that it looks like we’ve found a tax increase that Rick Jensen supports.

According to Kilroy, when Red Clay was asked about building a school in the city, rather than the suburbs, their answer was to cite the number of Charter Schools that opened in the city. Seriously? Charter Schools are not Red Clay schools, and that statement sounded as if RCCD was saying, “We don’t need to consider our city residents since, if they aren’t happy with our RCCD schools, they can leave our traditional public schools and go to Charter schools.

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Now Romney will Attempt to Destroy Santorum

Filed in National by on February 15, 2012 1 Comment

It is all he can do. Romney has no raison d’être for his candidacy. No vision. No core principles. He can’t beat a conservative opponent on ideas or on his conservative record. He can only beat him by carpet bombing the airwaves and raising Santorum’s negatives as high as his. And the more he does it, the more radioactive he becomes for the general election, and he is already at toxic levels as it is. After a prolonged battle with Santorum, Romney will be at Fukushima levels.

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Former Congressional Candidate Mike Miller to run in the new 6th

Filed in Delaware by on February 15, 2012 15 Comments

Mike Miller was one of the unknown candidates that ran against Mike Castle in 2000 and 2002. If memory vaguely serves, he has also tried to run for some other races in Kent County and statewide. In other words, he is a perennial losing candidate. And he is back. I bet he loses handily to Andy Staton. Staton has done the leg work for this race, preparing for years. Miller is just jumping in for vanity reasons.

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Filed in National by on February 15, 2012 1 Comment

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results

Filed in Delaware by on February 15, 2012 1 Comment

Well, this week has gotten away from me. I had planned on start the Tracking Poll project on Monday. Here it is Wednesday. But real life work pays the bills and it selfishly demands my time. So, the poll on Governor Markell’s approval has been open since last Thursday until last night at 10 pm. 152 people voted in it, so click through to see the results, and be sure to vote in our new poll on the middle column on the right on the job performance of Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [2.15.12]

Filed in Delaware by on February 15, 2012 3 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [2.15.12]

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The Loving Story

Filed in National by on February 14, 2012 0 Comments

An HBO documentary called “The Loving Story” premieres tonight at 9 pm.

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Filed in National by on February 14, 2012 8 Comments
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! Got any plans tonight?

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