Archive for March, 2012

BREAKING HORRIBLE NEWS: Senator Bunting to Retire. Rep. Hocker to Run.

Filed in National by on March 13, 2012 42 Comments

I have just been informed that Senator George Bunting (D-20th SD) announced his retirement on the Senate floor this afternoon. My source tells me that Pete Schwartzkopf is talking to Bunting now to try to prevent Bunting from endorsing his friend, Representative Gerald Hocker (R-38th RD), for the seat. Hocker and Bunting are good friends, apparently. Bunting is 67 years old and has had health issues in the past.

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 13, 2012 1 Comment
Tuesday Open Thread [3.13.12]

“I’ve got a lot of good friends, the owner of the Miami Dolphins and the New York Jets, both owners are friends of mine,” he added. “But let’s keep him away from New England.” — Mitt Romney, stepping in it once again. He is almost a self parody at this point.

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Filed in National by on March 13, 2012 3 Comments

The overriding question of the day is: Will the issue of John Atkins’ behavior surface in today’s House Majority Caucus meeting? I spoke to two caucus members in the last few days, and got two distinctly different opinions about what would happen. Neither, to put it mildly, is a strong supporter of John Atkins. One expressed pessimism that the rank-and-file would have the opportunity to weigh in on the issue, and told me that they expected leadership to back Atkins. The other told me that Speaker Gilligan is really angry over Atkins’ behavior, and that they expected a frank discussion of what should be done.

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Vince White Ends Campaign for IC, Endorses Mitch Crane

Filed in National by on March 13, 2012 5 Comments

Not that he had ever started his campaign by filing to run, but Vincent White has announced that he is withdrawing from the Insurance Commissioner’s Race and is endorsing Mitch Crane. This is excellent news if you want to replace Karen Weldin Stewart as Insurance Commissioner. For a crowded primary with more than 2 candidates ensures that the anti-incumbent vote is divided, and in those situations, the incumbent almost always prevails.

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Greg Lavelle (R)

Filed in Delaware by on March 13, 2012 4 Comments

People have made up their mind about Greg Lavelle, as 0% are undecided. It turns out that Greg Lavelle is as hated as any Republican in this state. He has a 58% disapproval rating, and a 42% approval rating, with 0% undecided.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.13.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 13, 2012 7 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.13.12]

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More On The Republican War On Women

Filed in National by on March 12, 2012 1 Comment

I plan on documenting every one of these.

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TED TV Launches TED-Ed

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 12, 2012 2 Comments

TED TV is a must in the pandora household. They offer the most amazing videos on a wide array of subjects designed to make you think. Now they are launching TED-Ed. They are calling on teachers to submit their best lessons, and they’re calling on animators to animate these lessons.

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Monday Open Thread [3.12.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 12, 2012 7 Comments

An ABC News/Washington Post poll indicates that 60 percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs, and Republicans are evenly divided on whether the war has been worth it. Indeed 54% say the United States should withdraw its forces from Afghanistan without completing its current effort to train Afghan forces to become self-sufficient. With the recent and disgusting murders by an American soldier, we need to hightail it out of there. And soon.

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Tom Carper (D-Delaware of the 1980’s)

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2012 30 Comments

One frequently heard refrain around the liberal blogosphere is “[fill in the blank with name of Democratic congressperson who voted the wrong way on the important legislation of the day] is a bad Democrat; let’s primary him!”

Well, how do you know who really is a good or bad Democrat? David Jarman at Daily Kos took the time to quantify who is a good or bad based upon a combination of the Partisan Voting Index and some congressional ranking services (in this case, Progressive Punch, the National Journal, and DW/Nominate, that determine who is the most liberal or conservative members of Congress based on their votes.

Guess where Senator Tom Carper ranked?

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Bill Maher and David Anderson have something in common

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2012 26 Comments

No, not that.

They have both expressed the ridiculous notion that Rush Limbaugh’s free speech rights are being violated by the stampede of (to date) 98 advertisers and sponsors dropping him like a diseased potato.

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Speaker Gilligan

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2012 3 Comments

Delaware enjoys its Democratic House of Representatives, and its Speaker. Bob Gilligan garners a surprisingly high 79% approval rating, making him the most popular politician in the state. This is surprising only because you would think not many people would know who he is, but then again, I am polling the readership of Delaware Liberal, a politically aware subset of the population. I fully expect Speaker Gilligan to brag about these numbers during the upcoming budget negotiations with Governor Markell.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [3.12.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2012 4 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [3.12.12]

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