Archive for March, 2012

Are We Asking The Right Questions About Education?

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 16, 2012 64 Comments

For those of you sick of my education posts, feel free to move on! Truthfully, I had no intention of writing about education today, but then I stumbled across this Daily Kos diary, entitled: Charter Schools Not the Answer, Especially if We Fail to Identify the Question. Go read the whole thing!

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Justice for Tyler Clementi

Filed in National by on March 16, 2012 3 Comments

Tyler Clementi was a Rutgers University student who committed suicide days after his roommate showed a video of him with his boyfriend to other students. And now, that roommate has been convicted of hate crimes, evidence tampering, and witness tampering in the case.

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Friday Open Thread [3.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 16, 2012 17 Comments

A new Gallup Poll finds just 35% of Republicans say they would vote “enthusiastically” for either Mitt Romney if he wins the GOP nomination. Just 34% were enthusiastic about voting for Rick Santorum and only 28% were enthusiastic for Newt Gingrich.

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 10-16, 2012, feat. BREAKING NEWS!

Filed in National by on March 16, 2012 35 Comments

Rich Krett has withdrawn from the NCCo Executive race because his candidacy apparently would be a Hatch Act violation. This sounds like dirty tricks on the part of Paul Clark. Put the guy’s name on a Federal grant application w/o his knowledge, and then threaten him with a Hatch Act violation. I wish Krett would stand and fight, but people simply can’t afford to throw away their livelihoods, and I understand why he feels he can’t.

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Senate Majority Leader Patti Blevins (D)

Filed in Delaware by on March 16, 2012 9 Comments

Senate Majority Leader Patti Blevins has her supporters and detractors, much like Senator Deluca. She has a 53% disapproval rating, and a 43% approval rating. 4% are undecided. I wonder how much of the disapproval is geniunely earned versus Blevins being tainted by her association with Deluca. I know El Som will say it is earned, and he is not a fan. I will open it up to our readers. Why did you disapprove of Senator Blevins?

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Friday Daily Delawhere [3.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 16, 2012 7 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [3.16.12]

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DOE Delays Newark Charter School Vote

Filed in Delaware by on March 15, 2012 22 Comments

Seems like the ACLU letter slowed things down for now. Nichole Dobo has the info.

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Watch The Mitch Crane Interview Here

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 20 Comments

If all goes according to plan, you’ll see the video here.

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Exclusive Pictures: Rick Santorum Tanning in San Juan – UPDATED

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 25 Comments
Exclusive Pictures:  Rick Santorum Tanning in San Juan – UPDATED

Campaigns are extremely tough on a person’s body. Especially if you’re running for President. This could explain why Rick Santorum is catching some rays poolside at La Concha in San Juan. La Concha is one of the host hotels for the Atlantis Events Exotic Southern Caribbean Cruise which leaves San Juan on Sunday on the Celebrity Summit. This cruise will have about 2300 gay men on it and most are staying at La Concha. I wonder if Ricky was looking for something on the DL.

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REMINDER — DL Interviews Mitch Crane!

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 0 Comments

DL is really proud to announce this one — we will be interviewing Insurance Commissioner candidate Mitch Crane this Thursday at 4:45pm. And we’re doing it live! THAT’S TODAY, so get your questions ready.

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High Contrast Reviews of Joe Biden’s High Contrast NH Stump Speech

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 1 Comment

The Manchester Union Leader provides us these reviews of Joe Biden’s recent stump speech.

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Thursday Open Thread [3.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 15, 2012 0 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.15.12]

“What should really give Republicans sleepless nights (if the numbers hold) is the demographic groups currently supporting Obama. In the Pew poll, Obama outperforms Romney by 20 points among all women, and by 31 points among women aged 19-49. He outperforms Romney by 28 points among young people 18-29 years old and ties him among people 65 and older. And he outperforms Romney in every region of the country and among every income group.” — Charles Blow

Oh, and Mike Matthews is back.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 15, 2012

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 3 Comments

Cassandra has already reported the Big News, and it took place at Wilmington’s Latin American Community Center. In fact, the DREAM Act has not been officially introduced, or at least its introduction has not yet made its way to the official General Assembly page, but it will be introduced, and it will serve as a Rorschach Test for members of the General Assembly and the public at large. I strongly support the bill, it is a bill where the benefits to the state far outweigh any costs that might be associated with it. Unless, of course, you are opposed to an educated and upwardly-mobile citizenry. You know, taxpayers, productive citizens. I don’t know whether the cowardly followers in the Delaware General Assembly will dare pass it during an election year, but I believe that the Dream Act’s passage is ultimately inevitable–eventually. I salute Bob Marshall, Helene Keeley, Joe Miro, and whoever else signs onto the bill as a sponsor; as well as one of my favorite Delawareans, Maria Matos. Maria has served as Executive Director of the LACC since 1994, and her dynamic leadership has made such a difference, and continues to make a difference, in the lives of so many in Delaware’s Hispanic community.

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