Archive for April, 2012

Markell’s Elephant in the Room: Fisker

Filed in National by on April 4, 2012 23 Comments

We were conned like everyone else. But for three years the Boxwood plant remains empty and will likely remain so. No 1,500 jobs. And with the recent news articles in the Times, WSJ and TNJ, we’ve learned that Fisker was playing the long con. Now that we all see we’ve been bamboozled, what will Markell’s reaction be? After months of publicly ignoring the elephant in the room, what will be the Administration’s response be today and in the future? What is Markell’s Plan B for Boxwood?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.4.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 4, 2012 4 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.4.12]

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DL Tracking Poll Results — NCCo Executive Paul Clark (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 4, 2012 3 Comments

In February, New Castle County Executive Paul Clark had a 30% approval rating and a 51% disapproval rating, rivaling Karen Weldin Stewart and everyone in the Republican party as the most disliked politicians in Delaware. Things did not get better as the weather warmed. Now he has a 76% disapproval rating and a 15% approval rating. This tells us two things: 1) the first poll was freeped by whatever minimal support Clark has in the party, and 2) our internet poll is obviously inaccurrate where Clark is concerned. Yeah, Clark is not liked and is disapproved of, but it does not rise to the level of 76%.

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Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 5 Comments

After some words of welcome, the President goes right for the media’s soft underbelly.

Clearly, we’re already in the beginning months of another long, lively election year. There will be gaffes and minor controversies, be hot mics and Etch-a-Sketch moments. You will cover every word that we say, and we will complain vociferously about the unflattering words that you write — unless, of course, you’re writing about the other guy — in which case, good job. (Laughter.)

The guy is a master at that, and the press eats it up. I giggle when I try to image Mittron Romneybot trying to pull off a natural sounding joke.

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Big Breaking News: Liane Sorenson Not Running!!

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 22 Comments

Sen. Liane Sorenson (R-Hockessin) has just announced in Dover that she will not run for reelection to the Delaware State Senate, according to reliable sources. Sorenson and Dave Sokola had been placed in the same district by Tony DeLuca after both Sorenson and Sokola opposed DeLuca for President Pro Tempore of the Delaware State Senate. Sorenson’s retirement is a real loss for progressives, as she has had one of the most estimable voting and sponsorship records in Dover. It is also, however, a likely death knell for any hopes that R’s had of taking over the Senate chamber.

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That’s What She Said

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 26 Comments

The First Lady or a potential First Lady does not win or lose elections except maybe in France. Yesterday morning, Politico did one of its standard fluff piece on Ann Romney with the headline, “Ann Romney is the Romney Democrats fear most“. Politico might have a point, given that Mitt Romney has the personality of a slice of Wonder Bread. When asked about her husband’s stiffness, Ann Romney replied:

“Well, you know, I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out.”

So, Ann Romney goes from a person who Democrats need to fear in the morning to a late night joke by lunch time.

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Palin on the Today Show bashing “lamestream” media …while on the Today Show

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 3 Comments

I can’t look away from the train wreck that is Sarah Palin. Her Today Show appearance opened up with Palin giving an endorsement (of sorts) of Mitt Romney.

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.3.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 3, 2012 19 Comments

Bill Clinton thinks that President Obama will win election quite easily.

“I think that he’s gonna win handily, and I have for a long time. I actually have since the 2010 elections. [W]hat the right-wing says always sounds better when they’re sayin’ it than when they’re doin’ it. So I thought after the 2010 elections, they basically assured his reelection.”

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: April 3, 2012

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 10 Comments

The most notable bill passed in the Senate was SB 174(Bushweller), which is designed to help first responders seek and receive critical counseling to deal with the stress they encounter. It’s a well-intended and even essential bill–as long as it doesn’t create a priest confessional type of situation. The House passed HB 202, which ‘makes it an offense to use a handicapped plate or placard issued to another person, unless that person is also in the vehicle’. The idea being, of course, to stop the use of handicapped parking spaces by those who don’t need them.

I strongly support a newly-introduced piece of legislation. HB 287(Lavelle) places the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility under the requirements of state procurement laws. About damned time, as this Harris McDowell-driven vehicle has had more than its share of controversy. The bill has bipartisan support, including many of the more reform-minded legislators, and will likely pass the House. Uh, which raises the question of what Tony DeLuca, who counts McDowell as among his supporters, will do once HB 287 reaches the Senate. The bill is in the House Energy Committee, and John Kowalko, who is a co-sponsor, is the committee chair.

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DL Tracking Poll Results — AG Beau Biden (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 3, 2012 4 Comments

The Attorney General’s approval numbers remained constant, at 69%, down one point from 70% last month. But his disapproval rating jumped, from 16% to 29%. Who knows, maybe yesterday the Republicans are conscious enough to read the poll.

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A Message From Kavips…

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 5 Comments

This makes me sad. Hopefully, this isn’t good-bye. Kavips is a strong, intelligent, passionate voice in blogging. Agree, or disagree with him, Kavips made us think. For that, Kavips, I thank you.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.3.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 3, 2012 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.3.12]

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I’m Sure This Is Simply Another Lone Wolf – Homemade Bomb Explodes At Planned Parenthood Office

Filed in National by on April 2, 2012 8 Comments

A small, homemade bomb exploded outside a Planned Parenthood office in Wisconsin on Sunday night, prompting federal and local investigators to launch a hunt for the person who put it there. Who needs to worry about the Taliban? We’re growing our own terrorists.

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