Friday Open Thread [7.13.12]

Filed in National by on July 13, 2012

I am dealing with the joys of home ownership today: getting free estimates for a new A/C system. So have at it. Here is a question though, if Romney continues imploding at the current rate, is it possible that the GOP will pick a new nominee at a brokered convention?

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  1. puck says:

    “Cory Booker To Chair Dem Platform Committee”


    Hasn’t Booker already proved his lack of political judgment by denouncing Obama’s most successful campaign topic? (Bain)

    And as a result, becoming the guest star in Republican ads?

    Good Lord, this man is not ready. What further harm can he do with his hands on the platform itself?

    If I were a reporter I’d head straight for Booker and get quotes first thing every day. You never know.

  2. John Manifold says:

    The Politico-ization of Ginger Gibson:

    “Several fact-checking organizations said the charges aren’t exactly breaking news and Romney’s denials have some validity.”

  3. MJ says:

    Tidbits from the Fatman’s show yesterday (I listen so your ears don’t start to bleed): he called Bob Beckel of The Five “corpulent;” guess he hasn’t looked in the mirror lately. Then one of his regulars called in with a conspiracy theory that POTUS was going to suspend the election and just continue in office for another 4 years. Caller went on to say “if that happens, I’ll have to put a bullet in Obama’s and Biden’s heads.” All Fatty would say was “oh, I don’t know, that might not be good (in a half-hearted way) and then suggested that we might have to have a coup d’etat.

  4. Geezer says:

    JM: Some day the rest of the media will drop the pretense that Politico is anything but “respectable” front for yet another right-wing propaganda operation.

  5. tobyz says:

    DD, try Quite possibly the most honest HVAC guy on the planet. Ask for Frank. He couldn’t figure out what the other contractor had screwed up, so he put a new unit in my house, took mine to his shop and fixed it (it was a year old) and then swapped them out for free. Just a suggestion.

  6. MJ says:

    RIP, Richard Zanuck, producer of Driving Miss Daisy.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Rumor has it Flowers’ outside advisor will issue its report next week.

  8. Venus says:

    jason 330 will be pleased to know the bike/pedestrian trail inclusive of the C&D canal will be named in honor of the beloved Mike Castle.

  9. “Cory Booker To Chair Dem Platform Committee”

    funny – last night TRMS covered the fall of the VA governor from possible VP pick with a speech slot at the convention through vaginagate to now picked to merely chair the GOP platform committee. Guess that’s a stinker.

  10. Last week the state DEMs threw Flowers a bone by featuring his website and Delaware Economic Index on their weekly e-newsletter.

  11. jason330 says:

    The Mike Castle bike/pedestrian trail. That’s typical, it can’t commit to bikes or pedestrians.

  12. Venus says:

    Well, there’s two sides to a quarter too.

  13. jason330 says:

    Castle is gratified that the path reaches Delaware City, but regrets that it does not go farther.

  14. jason330 says:

    Celia Cohen devoted 1,400 words to declaring the path the most popular path in the history of Delaware bike paths.

  15. KilroysDelaware says:

    “I am dealing with the joys of home ownership today: getting free estimates for a new A/C system.”
    STOP !!!!!!!!!!! sweat it out until early new Spring like March, you’ll save big $$. I just had s local brand name A/C vendor tell me my 11 year old 2 1/2 ton unit was done and wanted $11,000 for new one. Told me it had major leak and could cost up to #3,000.00 to find it. I had a friend of a friend A/C guy look at it and cost me $165.00 with tip to replace internal switch and add Freon. Did not have major leak and what he replaced was what first guy released when he put gauges on. I have two units 2 ton for downstairs and 2 1/2 ton for upstairs. paid $7,500.00 for both with air handlers 11 years ago! No way in hell one would cost 11K Good luck and get a few estimates.

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    Seriously, DD–install a couple of wall units for a few hundred bucks to get you thru this season–then shop–OK? Hey–I even have 1 or 2–still in boxes–when we went on the fritz…and shopping…let me know…I can share. They’re waiting to be used….

  17. I find that air conditioning feels less necessary as the summer begins to mellow. I get in the habit of drawing the curtains during the daytime, opening windows if there is a breeze and the temperature drops, putting a voronado fan over the air ducts or source of cool air, turning on a ceiling fan or two and pretending that I live on a tropical island. Perhaps an island off of the coast of Greece. Walking early or late, a lovely nap in the afternoon, a bath…When all else fails to cheer me, I go to a museum.

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Absolutely Deb. I have ceiling fans in almost every room, and I have them on. Plus, my house is under a tree canopy and is shielded from a lot of direct sun, so that keeps the yard and house cool as well. I just need the AC for those 90+ days with 100% humidity.

    I got a good estimate from Horizon (I know some hate them, but they have always been good for me), and am going with them for a new Lennox.