Bullock is getting the Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on July 17, 2012

Rev. Chris Bullock was unanimously endorsed recently by the Wilmington Democratic City Committee. And yesterday, he got the endorsement of one of his former rivals for the office of New Castle County Council President, that of Bill Dunn. Bill Dunn left the race for County Council President once Speaker Gilligan announced his retirement from representing the 19th Representative District.

I am curious on our readers’ take on the County Council race, especially as it plays into the County Executive race? Personally, I am undecided between Taschner and Bullock. Bill Dunn was going to get my vote. Of Renee and Chris, I have met with both of them over the years and I like both of them. What are your thoughts?

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  1. Linda says:

    Bill’s endorsement is significant to me . . . he was also my candidate of choice.

  2. Well, Bullock got the endorsement of the Wilmington D’s. Since he is the only candidate from Wilmington, is that any kind of a surprise?

    And, he got the endorsement of Dunn, who was running against Taschner BEFORE Bullock entered the race.

    So far, all I see is ‘Dog Bites Man’.

    The Big Story would have been if neither of these things had happened.

    Doesn’t change the outlook of the race at all, IMHO.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Bullock’s endorsement was not quite unanimous — 10 voting for and 2 abstentions — but he did get the City Committee’s endorsement.

    Bill Dunn was going to get my vote too, and now I’m not sure. I was going to vote for Bill because I thought that he would have been a good counterweight to whatever happened in the NCCo Exec office. I’m not certain that either Bullock or Taschner will be that kind of counterweight.

  4. Linda says:

    ditto on that cassandra . . .

  5. Freedom Fries says:

    Didn’t Taschner get the NCC Democrats? So its kindof one and one

  6. Or would be…if there weren’t about 6 times as many NCC residents outside the city as in the city.

  7. Linda says:

    @El Somnambulo do you think that since the city is picking a mayor that it will bring out more voters than usual? Just asking?

  8. Taschner has come out with a platform cloned from Paul Clark, IMO. I am going to give Chris Bullock a chance.

  9. Maybe a bit more, Linda. But turnout in the City traditionally lags behind the rest of the county, and turnout in the predominately minority communities is often painfully low. So I don’t think it will have any impact on this particular race.

    If Bullock is to be competitive, he needs to give voters outside the city a reason to support him.

  10. John Manifold says:

    Penrose Hollins, who was qualified for the position, was beaten by Clark in ’04 – by 154 votes, back when no one outside of Kid Sheleen’s knew what Pam Scott did for a living. Diane [Grand Slam] Kempski siphoned 22 percent of the vote from who-knows-whom.

    154 votes. How different would be our world and county.

  11. That loss was all on Penrose. The presumptive favorite, he made himself invisible down the stretch. I’m still pissed off about that election.

  12. Freedom Fries says:

    In terms of endorsements…… Not voters

  13. Josh says:

    Speaking of the 2004 primary SEN Belvins, said that Dianne, had no business in the race after the bad press and that Paul, would have won by about 2,000 votes if she had withdrawn. On Primary night in 2004.

    That was also with Freeberry and Korn siphoning what 30% from Chris Coons, and Statewide Matt Denn, beat KWS.

    Lastly I have been curious is the Ernie Lopez, running in Sussex the same that Clark beat in the General in 2004?

  14. city democrat says:

    The City Dems have historically voted in greater percentage in all the County – wide races over the last 3 cycles City Dem’s represent about 17% of all registered dems in the County- these are the real facts on City vs County turnout in there primaries