DSEA Endorses Crane for Insurance Commissioner

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2012

The Delaware State Education Association (DSEA) has endorsed Democrat Mitch Crane for State Insurance Commissioner over incumbent Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart and her two other challengers, Dennis Spivack and Paul Gallagher. In a press release, DSEA says that Crane’s pro-consumer stances and experience in insurance law and regulation will benefit everyone in the First State.

Upon learning of the endorsement, Crane, a former teacher himself, said, “I have the utmost respect for our educators and the great work they do each and every day. This endorsement is a real honor and I look forward to working with the DSEA in the coming weeks and years in our efforts to provide opportunity for every child through public education.”

Unlike Karen Weldin Stewart, Mitch Crane does not have to make up his endorsements.

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  1. george says:

    What do you think are the chances of Karen Weldin Stewart losing the primary? Is there enough information about her out there for people to reject her?

  2. Jason330 says:

    People who vote in the primary are better informed, and likely to be moved by endorsements like this one. Crane is probably the favorite right now, so I’d put the odd of KWS losing at 55-60%. It would be worse for her, but the multi-way primary clouds things a bit.

    People don’t like KWS. It really comes down to that. It was a fluke that she beat Reed and the general was a slam dunk for every Dem running downticket from Obama.

  3. george says:

    Besides being too stupid to run the DOI or any office, or hold any real job for that matter which she never has, that woman is a nasty opportunistic narcissist. No wonder people don’t like her.

    She only beat Reed because she accused him of taking campaign contributions from DOI contractors when all the time she was taking money from the insurance industry via their lawyers. As usual, she raised the charges late in the game so Reed didn’t have time to deal with them. She did the same thing to Donna Lee Williams in 2000 but knew better than to try it with Denn in 2004. Then she threw Reed the bone of Deputy IC so he’d keep his mouth shut about what’s going on in the DOI. Unfortunately, he did.