Open Thread [8.26.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 26, 2012

Another Sunday and it’s another weekend where I haven’t gotten my own projects or errands done. Time for the primaries to get here!

Sussex County looks like it really got hit by storms yesterday and more are coming. Hope all of you are OK down there.

How about some reading material today?

Judge Richard Posner’s thinking evolves about taxation, regulation and the Constitution. This isn’t very long but gives us a look at something you don’t see very often — a Republican who looks at the world and adjusts his thinking to it.

James Fallows does a detailed analysis of what is at stake for the upcoming Presidential debates and the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate at debating.

Charlie Crist (former R Gov of Florida) endorses Barack Obama for President. Just as the GOP arrives in Tampa. How long before he comes out as a D and runs for Governor again?

This one (via The Big Picture) is very amusing indeed — 11 years ago yesterday, a BushCo flashback:

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”

At the same time, Mr. Bush talked in some detail about the economic slowdown, which he called a ”correction,” and left open the possibility that he might dip into the Social Security money if a further economic stimulus was needed . . .

In an age of suddenly scarce resources, though, he insisted that Congress must adjust its spending attitudes. ”The surest way to make sure that the recovery doesn’t happen in a meaningful period of time or a reasonable period of time is to overspend,” Mr. Bush said. He said his job was to ”make sure we keep fiscal sanity in the budget.”

Right? Right? How’s *that* bit of financial genius working out?

What interests you today?

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    This is from Brad DeLong who posts up this interesting tweet:

    “The real Mitt is more reasonable than his public persona” = “We want to put a positive spin on the fact that Mitt is a lying weasel.”

    Sounds *really* familiar, yes?

  2. Paula says:

    Just got a recorded call from Calista Gingrich touting a new project, “Rediscovering God in America” — a sequel to “Discovering God in America” (never heard of it). She and Newt did it to counteract the ACLU and the media elite, who are trying to take God out of our schools, the public square, and (pause for gasp) even our homes.

    How my number got on their list is a mystery. I didn’t feel like a confrontation, so I hung up before I was connected to a real person to order a free copy of both films on DVD.

    Nice to know they’re keeping busy and off the streets.

  3. Paula says:

    And five minutes later, a one-question recorded-message poll about insurance commissioner: if the vote were held today, who would you vote for. Listed all Dem primary candidates. Maybe it’s the zip code (19803)?

  4. Joe Cass says:

    Paula, 19720 near the same time. Was it one question though? If you answered Mitch Crane,it was.

  5. Paula says:

    Joe, yes, I answered Mitch Crane and got a thank you, good bye. Who’s behind it?

  6. Aoine says:

    Misogyny atits best – bet he belives Akin on “legitimate rape” as well –

    so boyz, where do we draw the line?? HMMMMMM?

    comments are OK –

    so brushing a breast is ok

    grabbing them in the hallway – OK?

    objectifying them by way of jokes and comments – OK?

    sticking your tongue down their throat – – that ok too??

    grabbing ass? – that OK?

    everyone has the right to work in an atmosphere free from harassment – and if those fellow, fat, slobbering dogs (like Bill Colley) cant abide by the rules and the standards – then get rid of them – they probably are a heart ttack waiting to happen anyway

    there are plenty fresh young recruits that are willing and able to full the empty shoes of the fat, slobbering pigs.

  7. heragain says:

    I got the IC call. just for fun, answered KWS and also got kthnxby. 19810

  8. Joe Cass says:

    Paula, I don’t know who sponsors the robocall, but my money is on the wicked witch sponsored by the big money. You know who I mean, the insurance company’s bestie, Karen “I’m not done til I’m Weldon” Stewart.

  9. Pooker Jones says:

    Does anyone do real person to person calls?

  10. Paula says:

    Mitch Crane’s campaign called our house (once for each registered voter), but that wasn’t a poll, more like an introduction to the candidate. We also get live calls from the Democratic campaigns — but these are more to urge us to volunteer or, on election day, to cast our vote.

    Now that I think of it. I got a live call a week or so ago asking about the Gov and Lt Gov race. When they asked if I had heard of Cragg or Valenzuela, I just said, “Who?”

    Also, I agreed to take part in the UofD National Agenda Public Opinion Project. So I talk to a live person when they call.

  11. Tom McKenney says:

    I had to listen to Callista’s nonsense just to get on the do not call list. She was hawking a video her and Newt produced saying the evil liberals want to come in our homes and chase out god. Those two have no shame.