Take Your ‘No Way Jose’ Back to Massachusetts

Filed in National by on September 6, 2012

Mitt Romney sits down with a Vietnam Veteran. Hilarity ensues.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Jason330 says:

    That guy is awesome.

  2. nemski says:

    Every time Mitt talks to regular Americans there seems to be an incident. It’s like Mitt’s campaign is being run by the automatic pilot from Airplane!.

  3. pandora says:

    That guy brought tears to my eyes.

    Notice also how Mitt tries to connect with the guy by citing his “church service” as a… comparison to serving in Vietnam? That was offensive.

  4. V says:

    im psyched this went viral, but wasn’t this from months ago? like during the primaries?

  5. puck says:

    I would never hold avoiding service in Vietnam against anyone, no matter how they got out of it. There was a very real case that we didn’t belong there.

    In 1962 we watched intently as Israel captured and hanged Adolf Eichmann, whose defense was “I was just following orders.” Back then Americans prided themselves on their ability and willingness to make their own decisions to disobey immoral orders if necessary. In the late 60s it was very clear that an individual’s decision to serve in Vietnam posed a moral dilemma. Now Americans are much more comfortable with the Eichmann defense, but in 1965 we were not.

  6. nemski says:

    V, yes, it is from December last year.

  7. nemski says:

    Puck, I don’t hold it against them either. What I do dislike are chicken hawks like Cheney and Bush. And Mitt could probably be in that category as well.

  8. puck says:

    Agreed on chicken hawks.

  9. AQC says:

    Puck, I would agree but wasn’t Mitt joining groups arguing for why we should go into Vietnam? If I’m right about that, the sheer hypocrisy is overwhelming.

  10. Jason330 says:

    I think it is striking how old the working class guy looks compared to the rich guy.

  11. puck says:

    @AQC – Yeah, Mitt is a piece of work.

  12. pandora says:

    What AQC said. Also, this wasn’t a discussion about the merits of the Vietnam War, it was a Romney photo op gone bad.

  13. nemski says:

    Ha ha – photo op gone bad, the story of Mitt’s campaign.