This is just … mind blowingly awesome…

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012

For some unknown reason, some states allow their judges to be elected, rather than appointed. As you know, this can cause problems. Far right radical theocrats can get elected in some circumstances because judicial elections are often overlooked and spark low voter interest. Michigan Supreme Court candidate Bridget Mary McCormack tackles the subject in a four minute campaign ad that is a long awaited reunion of the cast of the West Wing!

How did this happen? How does a Michigan Supreme Court candidate get nearly the entire cast of a hit TV show to star in a campaign ad? Well, for Bridget McCormack is the sister of actress Mary McCormack, who portrayed the Deputy National Security Adviser, Kate Harper. She is the blond women talking to Will Bailey in the first scene.

Family connections aside, this ad is just simply awesome and best of luck to the McCormack campaign, even though I still hold out the opinion that Judges must never, ever, campaign for votes and donations.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I love Bridget McCormack soooo effing much for that ad.

    (I miss West Wing..*sniff*)

  2. V says:

    i love the apocalyspe now joke.

    This is great but cue her opponent criticizing her liberal elite hollywood connections in 3…..2……

  3. auntie dem says:

    Loved it.

  4. John young says:

    best part is President Bartlett putting on his jacket in that inimitable way only he can.

    Interesting backstory on it too: