Archive for September, 2012

Secretary Markell?

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2012 15 Comments

Politico must have had nothing to write about today, so it chose to speculate on how the second term cabinet will look like. The article opines that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, fresh off his excellent speech at the DNC, could be the next Attorney General. Either UN Ambassador Susan Rice or Sen. John Kerry will be the next Secretary of State. For Secretary of Education, Politico thinks it could Governor Markell.

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Conservatives predict end of GOP – I predict popcorn sales through the roof!

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 5 Comments

I read this and giggled my ass off.

A Barack Obama win in November will lead to a meltdown within the Republican Party, said Bryan Fischer, an influential official at the American Family Association. And he isn’t too optimistic about Mitt Romney’s chances.

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Friday Open Thread [9.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 14, 2012 32 Comments

I cannot wait for this film:

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Looks like Don Ayotte is the Asshole

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2012 26 Comments
Looks like Don Ayotte is the Asshole

So some fan of Don Ayotte, or the teabagger king himself, is going around Sussex County vandalizing the signs of Marie Mayor, the Democratic nominee for the new 20th RD and County Councilwoman Joan Deaver. Check out the thuggery inside….

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Trussum Pond Featured on Bing

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2012 4 Comments
Trussum Pond Featured on Bing

Trussum Pond is the featured background image on Bing today.

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Starkey’s thin reporting includes a few quotes

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 18 Comments

If Jonathan Starkey’s candidate forum report from the Siegel Jewish Community Center in Talleyville was any thinner it could be measured in microns.

Here are the reported facts:

– Carper, Markell, Cragg, Pires, Kovach, Mobley, Wade and some other people who didn’t say anything quotable took part in a “mostly friendly event” hosted by the Jewish Federation of Delaware at the Siegel Jewish Community Center in Talleyville…..

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BOOM goes The Polling Report [9.14.12]

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 5 Comments
BOOM goes The Polling Report [9.14.12]

Three new NBC/Marist polls came out yesterday in Ohio, Virginia and Florida, giving the President 5 point leads in Virginia and Florida and a 7 point lead in Ohio. Mitt Romney must win all three states or there is no conceivable mathematical way he can be elected President. The President can win without these three. And that really is the story of this election. In Mitt Romney’s best case scenario where he wins all his swing state targets, his ceiling in the Electoral College is 291. The President’s best case scenario is 399 (winning all the usual suspects plus Montana, Arizona, Missouri, Indiana, Georgia and Nebraska’s 1 congressional district).

Here is the map:

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Delaware Political Weekly: Sept. 8-14, 2012

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 34 Comments

What we learned from the Primary: 1. The Gordon machine was the single most effective game-changer during the primary; 2. For once, Wilmington really made the difference this year; 3. Grassroots campaigns work, and they cost a lot less than the alternative; 4. Jack Markell is in danger of becoming a Drawbridge Democrat; 5. Tons of lit cannot compensate for personal unpopularity; and 6. Primaries are GOOD;

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Losing When Only Winning Was Possible

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 21 Comments
Losing When Only Winning Was Possible

Mitt Romney has had another self-inflicted, tough week/ So as Romney’s campaign begins it’s Goodbye Tour, we’re looking for titles for the upcoming HBO movie about the plummeting 2012 Romney Campaign. We will take the best titles from the comments and vote on them next week.

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End Private Schools

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 23 Comments
End Private Schools

John Cook, an editor at Gawker, writes a very Swiftian proposal to solve our public education problems once and for all – close all our private schools.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [9.14.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2012 5 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [9.14.12]

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Late Night Video — Campaignful!

Filed in National by on September 13, 2012 0 Comments

This looks like a great series (Campaignful — what a great word for the campaign bullsh*t)and this one (Episode 2 — That DNC is So Stupid) is especially funny:

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Nancy Pelosi Welcomes Paul Ryan Back to Congress

Filed in National by on September 13, 2012 2 Comments

Very clever video and reminds me that I should be paying more attention to Leader Pelosi as this election cycle heats up:

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