Archive for September, 2012

Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.11.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 11, 2012 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.11.12]

September 11, 2001 was 11 years ago today. I think this is the first anniversary of that horrible day when it fell on the actual day of the week that the attack happened on, a Tuesday. I don’t know why that makes a difference, but to me it does.

The heroes that day were our first responders: our police, our firefighters and our EMTs. Across the country, but especially in the Northeast where the attacks occurred, you will see memorials to their service and in their honor. Such a memorial is this mural on the side of what Wilmington Fire Department at what location?

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Lots of Calls Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 41 Comments

I have had one from Tom Gordon from Oklahoma (405-308-4474). I had another anti-Karen Weldin Stewart call, but I could not hear who it was from. It was couched as a Voter Alert about somebody withdrawing support from KWS due to her actions in office. The call came from 302-415-3500. And I just got a call from Dave Brady, reminding me to vote tomorrow for him, even though I am no longer in his district. Harris McDowell had a similar problem. I wonder if I have going to have problems voting tomorrow. I have my updated voting card, so the DOE knows I have moved. I guess the campaigns have old lists. Let us know what calls you are getting.

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Mitt’s Just A Regular Guy

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012 26 Comments
Mitt’s Just A Regular Guy

There’s a Google Doc circulating among conservative websites written by Hal Prewitt who bought one of Mitt Romney’s homes back in 2009. The doc, if you choose to read it, lauds Romney as a regular guy.

Ours is a factual story that provides a rare glimpse and insight into the real Mitt Romney. Does he really relate to the average American?

Yeah, a $5+ million dollar ski house of over 9,500 square feet is something all Americans can relate to.

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SEO And The Local Races

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 10, 2012 2 Comments

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is a geeky dark science that strives to improve the ranking of web pages through a variety of techniques. It can also show you who is working on improving their online persona. I like to think of it as a way of controlling the first impression of someone looking for more information. Let’s look at how the candidates have done.

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Kilroy Makes a Funny

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 4 Comments
Kilroy Makes a Funny

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Monday Open Thread [9.10.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 10, 2012 21 Comments
Monday Open Thread [9.10.12]

President Obama’s re-election campaign and supporting committees brought in more than $114 million last month – the first time the incumbent has outraised Mitt Romney since April. Mittens raised $111 million.

Josh Marshall has a simple axiom:

[T]he more Romney goes hard Culture War, the more his campaign chiefs are getting freaked by the polls.

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DL Primary Returns Party (there will be beer)

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 16 Comments

It’s been a long and painful primary campaign. You’re tired, anxious, angry, overjoyed or confused… but most of all, you are thirsty.

Join Delaware Liberal for a little soiree at Timothy’s on the waterfront in Wilmington at 8PM. We’ll have our laptops open and our eyes trained on the elections returns websites… and on our beer (or wine, or martinis). Anyone is welcome, Democrat, Republican, independent or faux-republican Libertarians.

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Primary Preview

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012 48 Comments

Here are my thoughts on tomorrow’s primary election. These are mine alone and not official endorsements of DL or that of my colleagues here. I suspect we might disagree on certain races. If you want to find out where you vote tomorrow and what districts you are in, check the Polling Place Locator. The most important primary election tomorrow is this one:

Senate President Pro Tem Tony Deluca v. Bryan Townsend

Much like the Republican primary in the 6th, this race is for the soul of the State Democratic Party. There are some old rotten tree branches on the tree that is the State Democratic Party. And like McDowell and Marshall, Deluca’s branch needs to be cut off so a new one can grow. The further problem with Deluca’s branch is that it is diseased and corrupt, and the disease could spread to the whole tree. It is imperative that Deluca be defeated. Luckily, Bryan Townsend has ran a stellar campaign for a grassroots challenger. Should he win, he will become an instant star in the Democratic caucus, and a sign that the party has a bright future. Needless to say, if I could, I would vote for him. If you can, you must vote for him.

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The Eagles: Weak One

Filed in Sports by on September 10, 2012 2 Comments
The Eagles: Weak One

There was a lot wrong with the Eagles in yesterday’s win — a lot. The offensive line had a miserable day and the turnovers were absolutely horrendous. However, as Inside The Iggles writes, “So while we dissect the shortcomings this week–as we well should–let’s keep in mind the Eagles won a game they should have […]

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SEIU Block Party

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 0 Comments

On Thursday, September 13th at 2 pm, the SEIU will be holding a permitted block party in front of the Wilmington Trust … er ah.. M&T Bank Building at 11th & Market, or the side of Rodney Square between the Hotel DuPont and the BOA complex. I’m told there will be food, music and games. The block party is in support of Optima janitors who work in the M&T Building who are fighting to earn wages and working conditions that are equal with other Wilmington janitors. If you can attend, please do so.

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Unrequited Love: Dennis P. Williams Dumps KWS…

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 18 Comments

from his sample ballot. The rest of the Gordon/Williams/Bullock team remains, along with Charles Potter and Trippi Congo, but KWS is conspicuous by her absence.How do I know? I’ve got a proof of the ballot.

She’s still in league with Gordon and Bullock, however, and the three of them have ponied up $$’s to have the Construction/Building Trades unions pass out lit at the polls. Which, BTW, is a total waste of resources. Except for the union guys pocketing the chump change.

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I’m Telling You, We’re This Close To Burqas

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012 6 Comments
I’m Telling You, We’re <i>This</i> Close To Burqas

A woman gets sexually assaulted by a police officer and the female judge gives her a lecture. If women don’t want to be sexually assaulted then they need to stay home and stop tempting men.  And if they do leave their homes and an incident like this happens they need to stop whining.

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The Etch-a-Sketch Campaign Begins

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012 5 Comments
The Etch-a-Sketch Campaign Begins

After losing the National Security issue and realizing the the Middle Class is about to leave the Republican Party, Romney’s campaign is in full etch-a-sketch mode.

After months of saying that he’d repeal “Obamacare”, Romney is now saying, “I’m not getting rid of all of healthcare reform.”

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