Beau Biden on ABC This Week

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 15, 2012

AG Biden was on a Sunday Yack Show — ABC This Week — to talk about his father’s performance at the debate. He did a great job, I think (this is a little over 4 minutes long):

First off — I think that Jake Tapper should be ashamed of himself for asking if VP Biden smiled too much during the debate. That silly question presupposes that the only thing of any importance that happened Thursday night was Joe Biden smiling. There was some content in this that deserved more attention than the smiling. But I think that Beau is right — if smiling is what they are focused on, then they know Joe Biden won it. They did talk about Afghanistan and the embassy security questions but it would have been great to also talk about the vaporware that is the Romney/Ryan budget instead of the smiling.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. John Young says:

    Yes, but why did Beau then take a shot at Ryan’s water drinking. Kinda undoes Beau’s whole point, IMO.

  2. The Straight Scoop says:

    You missed the point… He used it as an example of pundits focusing on body language and nonverbal cues instead of the substance of the debate, even said it’s not about that. Beau brushed off both the smiling and water-drinking and moved on.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    TSS here is right — this is from the transcript:

    “This isn’t, Jake, about how much my father smiled or how many gallons of water that the congressman drank nervously on that stage,” Biden quipped. “It’s about talking directly to the American people about very important facts.”

    It was a gracious way of telling Tapper that the theater wasn’t what was important.