Archive for October, 2012

Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.17.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 17, 2012 3 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.17.12]

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The 2nd Presidential Debate Live Blog

Filed in National by on October 16, 2012 19 Comments
The 2nd Presidential Debate Live Blog

We did not do a Live Blog during the first presidential debate due to technical difficulties. We had one up and running for the vice presidential debate. If the President does well tonight then we will know for certain that Delaware Liberal is responsible for the President’s first debate performance. If not, well then we are all truly screwed.

Join us tonight in the Liveblog. To join, click on the link “Liveblog” on the menu in the top right section of the site. For illustrative purposes…

And then click in your alias and delete the password box and login.

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There’s Another Debate Tonite, Too

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2012 4 Comments

Rep. John Carney and Tom Kovach are having a debate tonite at the University of Delaware. No 3rd party candidates are present. You can watch it live here.

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This Can’t Be True, Can It?

Filed in National by on October 16, 2012 21 Comments

Richard Williamson is Mitt Romney’s top foreign policy advisor, the guy who orchestrated Romney’s original effort to exploit the attack in Libya before it was even clear the US Ambassador had died. Now he’s saying that Romney will insist Obama “man up” and take responsibility for the Ambassador’s death at tonight’s debate.

There are two reasons why I think Mitt Romney wouldn’t dare try and pull this off. First, reports from people who were actually in Libya are citing the video as the initial reason they heard for the attack, and second… Mitt uttering the words man up? Yeah, that would sound natural.

If I were Romney I’d tread carefully here. He already has parents of fallen embassy officials calling him out for politicizing this tragedy.

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Tuesday Open Thread [10.16.12]

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on October 16, 2012 10 Comments

The candidates for governor of Delaware squared off in a debate Tuesday morning on WDEL. Unfortunately I was at work and missed it. Was anyone at Widener to see the debate or did you listen on WDEL?

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The Most Important Thing In The World Is Happening Tonight

Filed in National by on October 16, 2012 11 Comments

At least it will be the most important thing in the world until next week’s most important thing in the world.  Personally, I like Matt Taibbi’s idea…

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2012 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.16.12]

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Late Night Video — Behind The Scenes At the Paul Ryan Photo Shoot

Filed in National by on October 15, 2012 2 Comments

The first Bro President, indeed. Ouch!

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Paul Ryan Using the Poor as a Prop

Filed in National by on October 15, 2012 5 Comments

It never ceases to amaze me that these people just don’t get it. In an effort to humanize Ryan, the Romney campaign had Ryan and his family stop at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio last week. There was no advance notice to the venue ( Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society), no asking of permission, no coordination of schedules — Ryan and his family and entourage just showed up

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Sher Valenzuela In the Disinformation Bubble

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2012 15 Comments

This post is to rescue this great comment from today’s Open Thread:

Sher Valenzuela blamed George Soros for releasing the information about her company, First State Manufacturing, and the millions in government loans and grants that it takes, when she was on Delaware 105.9 this morning with Gaffney. [more…]

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Monday Open Thread [10.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 15, 2012 20 Comments

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D), on the 2016 presidential race: “If Hillary runs, she walks away with the nomination and then beats whichever Republican. It’s lights out.” I agree, and to the larger point, I believe which ever party wins the 2012 election will win the 2016 election.

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The Polling Report [10.15.12] – Obama Regains National Lead.

Filed in National by on October 15, 2012 2 Comments
The Polling Report [10.15.12] – Obama Regains National Lead.

A New York Magazine poll of political insiders, asked to predict the winner of the presidential election, finds President Obama overwhelmingly favored over Mitt Romney, 82% to 18%. These are the same political insiders that were jonesing for a close dramatic race, right? Meanwhile, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows President Obama leads Mitt Romney by a 59% to 31% among those who have already voted. With the November 6 election just more than three weeks away, 7% of those surveyed said they had already voted either in person or by mail.

There is a new Washington Post-ABC News poll out this morning that gives much comfort to we nervous Democratic wusses. First, the poll finds President Obama leading Mitt Romney among likely voters, 49% to 46%, “basically unmoved from the poll two weeks ago, just before the two candidates met in Denver for their first debate.”

“Nearly two-thirds say they do not need any more information before Election Day, and barely one in eight is undecided or says there is a chance he could change his vote. Even as voters overwhelmingly perceive that Romney won the first debate, the vast majority say their opinion of the president did not shift as a result.”

“But more people changed their views of Romney, largely in a positive direction. Overall, more than twice as many say their opinions of the former Massachusetts governor improved than say they worsened as a result of the debate. The strongest reaction is among Romney backers, 70 percent of whom say Denver made them think more highly of the GOP nominee.”

This poll is not an outlier. Other polls showed the President retaking the national lead from Romney as the latter’s debate bounce fades.

Here is our new map:

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Beau Biden on ABC This Week

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 15, 2012 3 Comments

AG Biden was on a Sunday Yack Show — ABC This Week — to talk about his father’s performance at the debate. He did a great job, I think. (The video inside is a little over four minutes long).

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