Sunday Open Thread [3/3/2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 3, 2013

The end of the weekend Open Thread — I went to the Home Show yesterday and had the chance to meet the great Jim Westhoff, who we liked ALOT for the DE House a few years back. Just the kind of candidate we need more of IMO, and he is a great guy, to boot. Today I’m thinking about all of the cool stuff we saw at the Home Show yesterday, and wondering if I should go buy myself a house with a proper yard so I can put a hot tub out there.

A must read of the day — if anything because we have real commenters here who subscribe to this theory (for other issues than this so far, though) — The Green Lantern Theory of Sequestration:

While it’s true that the president does have some agenda-setting power, these commentators greatly overstate Obama’s ability to create political consensus through proposals and rhetoric (absent him simply yielding to GOP demands). As the political scientist John Sides pointed out on Twitter, “No theory of political or policy change should hinge on how presidents ‘talk.’” Green Lantern-ites have been seduced by the myth of the bully pulpit and do not seem to appreciate the relatively limited powers of the president on domestic policy issues.

The media should instead focus greater attention on Congress, which writes the tax and budget legislation that determines how the federal government spends its money. Obama has relatively little leverage over the Republicans who control the House of Representatives, almost all of whom represent districts he lost in 2012. And while the sequester was designed to be so onerous that it would force both parties to compromise, the sequester would still require substantial political pain, making it difficult for the administration to herd legislators toward a deal.

Quite right. What is head-scratching about The Green Lantern Theory (at least among the media) is that they abandon their favorite horserace narrative for this, when in this instance it really is the process that is a big part of the problem.

This is a great read from Ezra Klein — This is Why Obama Can’t Make a Deal with the Republicans. They are so wrapped up in their own narratives, that they can’t see the deal on the table:

The question my column left open was whether improving the lines of communication would actually change anything. Chait’s view is no, it wouldn’t. He begins by quoting Upton Sinclair’s famous line: “It is impossible to make a man understand something if his livelihood depends on not understanding it.” Chait continues:
If Obama could get hold of Klein’s mystery legislator and inform him of his budget offer, it almost certainly wouldn’t make a difference. He would come up with something – the cuts aren’t real, or the taxes are awful, or they can’t trust Obama to carry them out, or something.
What happened next on Twitter proved Chait’s point in every particular.

And he proceeds to break down that Twitter exchange. And it feels eerily familiar.

What a difference a few years makes — Californians Now Support Gay Marriage by 2:1 Margin

A record 61 percent of Californians now approve of allowing same-sex couples to marry, according to a poll released Thursday. 32 percent of Californians oppose.

This was done by the Field Poll group, which is probably the best CA-specific pollster out there.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Miscreant says:

    Natural selection. Was he a Democrat?

  2. Jason330 says:

    A 60 year old at a gun range in Waldorf MD?

  3. meatball says:

    I bought a hot tub for my bride a few years back. We used it an awful lot at first, but less so now. I do intend to enclose it in a glass atrium here as soon as the weather breaks and I think we would use it more then. Maintenance hasn’t been as bad as some claim, but it sure adds a chunk to the electric bill.

  4. Jason330 says:

    That PPP olive garden poll is killing me.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    @Miscreant — Charles County is a Redder part of MD. Even so, self-removal may be an uncredited factor in the decline of people claiming to be Republicans.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    @meatball — my brother has a hot tub in his yard in CA. It has an enclosure so they use it fall through spring. Basically once it gets cool enough. I really enjoy it, but then I’m not keeping it up or paying the bills. But my yard is the size of a postage stamp (on purpose) so a hot tub isn’t in my future any time soon.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    @Jason — I know, right?

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Hot tub is worth it. But be prepared for decreased productivity from the moment you step back out, and instantly fall into a wonderful night’s sleep. The pasta is done!

    Electric bill is inconsequential–no blip even noted–not at all like Christmas lights. It’s some computer chip thingy that makes it that way. Upkeep is nothing–AND as an FYI Spas Unlimited here in Middletown is closing, with everything going to auction this Saturday March 9th at 9:33 AM. So you are destined…….and I’ll even throw in the use of my zip code truck to haul it for you, in case you buy–now get it out of the store.

    Moved from California to here, and made it real clear if I can’t have the warmth of the desert, then I definitely won’t survive without a hot tub at the house. It’s on 24/7, just like the refrigerator.

    Aah…lead me to temptation…this one is worth it.