Hocker announces run for Governor in 2016

Filed in Delaware by on April 18, 2013

So there I was driving this afternoon listening for reasons passing understanding to Rick Jensen’s show on WDEL 1150. He was hosting his show from a reception for a Delaware Small Business organization (I didn’t catch the full name) and was interviewing both the organization’s President and Senator Hocker. The organization’s President was going on and on about all the horrible fees and taxes small businesses have to pay and Rick jokes that his 3 hour show is not enough time to list all the taxes and fees (which is of course a lie). Then Hocker jumps in, and I presume that Jensen was interviewing both the Organization President and Hocker at the same time and Hocker says (paraphrasing): “Well when I am governor I will get rid of all these fees and taxes because I will surround myself with all the right people.” And he said it in such a Southern accent that I thought I was momentarily transported to Mississippi. But that is besides the point. To my mind, I think this is the first time I have heard Hocker publicly announce his long rumored desire to run for Governor.

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  1. Another Mike says:

    So he plans on flipping both houses of the General Assembly in one election? Because that’s essentially what he’d need to do to get rid of all these fees and taxes. He also should start campaigning now since he has virtually no name recognition north of Milford.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I like how he also thinks he can get elected statewide in the first place. His downstate teabagger schtick doesn’t play well upstate were all the votes are.

  3. DAL says:

    OMG, bring it on. Another 30%er!

  4. realist says:

    Seriously you guys are morons.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    So is this a primary then? Copeland vs Hocker? That could be fun!

  6. The Blue Blood vs. the Green Grocer.

    I like it.

  7. anon says:

    Copeland is a Tea Partier, Hocker is not.