Wednesday Open Thread [5.1.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 1, 2013

This is awesome…

A Republican polling outfit, Harper Polling, has former Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D) leading former Gov. Marc Racicot (R) in a possible U.S. Senate race, 47% to 43% and topping Rep. Steve Daines (R), 50% to 40%. See, I told you we were much better off with Baucus resigning. Indeed, given his corporate whorishness, good riddance to the rubbish that was Baucus.

McKay Coppins notes that with teabagging criticism of the immigration reform effort “grow[ing] louder, many Republican operatives, donors, and consultants are bracing for an outcome that would be even worse, politically, than the demise of the bill: A fierce, national, right-wing backlash that drowns out the GOP’s friendlier voices, dominates Telemundo and Univision, and dashes any hopes the party had of making inroads to the Hispanic electorate by 2016.”

I personally think we are going to get both nightmare outcomes for the GOP. The demise of the bill will be accomplished by having the right act all explicitly racist, anti-immigrant and insane.

Said GOP media strategist Paul Wilson: “We are really balanced here on a little precipice and if this, pardon the pun, goes south, we could be in very serious trouble. If [the legislation] stalls or is killed off by conservatives, we could take the Hispanic community and turn them into the African-American community, where we get four percent on a good day… We could be a lost party for generations.”

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  1. puck says:

    The general election is over and the GOP is back in primary mode already.


    Max Baucus has the distinction of voting for the Bush tax cuts more times than any living Democrat. He voted for them in 2001, being one of the Democrats who pushed them over the top and brought that curse upon this country. I guess he got his reward by being re-elected for another twelve years. During which he trashed health care reform and helped President Obama dig the 2010 enthusiasm gap that likely cost Democrats the House. Good riddance.

    But hey, Baucus endorses marriage equality, which makes him a progressive in certain circles.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The end of Baucus, regardless of who is elected, is a victory for us all. We’re flushing a big one and it’s long overdue. As for Immigration Reform regardless of the outcome expect the Republicans to gain nothing from it, they will remain the enemy in the eyes of Latinos. And for that matter many others.

  3. Roland D. Lebay says:

    Florida is out of control.

    They can arrest a 16 year old girl on FEDERAL charges, but it took nearly 2 months to arrest George Zimmerman.


  4. fightingbluehen says:

    I believe in the two party system. It is extremely shortsighted to want the GOP to go by the way side.
    An unchecked Democratic party will eventually lead to civil unrest.

  5. Dave says:


    I think nearly everyone would agree that we have better governance with a robust, responsible two party system. The rank and file have marginalized nearly every GOP leader who has demonstrated an ounce of intent towards responsible governance in favor of whack jobs who espouse conspiracy theories, pseudo-scientific reproduction theory, and economic theory that is remarkably similar to historical European feudalism. It’s a GOP that supports and advocates for the pink and blue toddler size firearms where a 5 year old can kill his 2 year old sister and no one calls the parents irresponsible. It’s a GOP that practices brinkmanship and then throws itself off the brink in an attempt to prove a non-existent point.

    In short,the inmates are running the GOP asylum. I don’t know how you fix that. I’m not sure it can be fixed.