God does not love me this much, does he?

Filed in National by on July 10, 2013

Former Half Term Alaska Governor and Reality TV star Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity last night that she is considering running for Senate in 2014 against Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK). Presumably she would be in a primary with the failed Republican 2010 Senate nominee Joe Miller, who, as a tea party insurgent, beat Lisa Murkowski in the GOP Primary only to see Murkowski win as an independent candidate a la Joe Lieberman.

Now, check out this statement that the Queen of Dictation and Grammar made on the Hannity Hate Hour:

Said Palin: “I’ve considered it because people have requested me considering it, but I’m still waiting to see what the lineup will be and hoping that, there again, there will be some new blood, new energy, not just kind of picking from the same old politicians in the state that come from political families that have sort of [unintelligible] up there for so many years because too many of them have been part of the problem.”

People have requested me considering it. We’ve all met that person at work or elsewhere in our lives who try to use big words or a lot of words to sound smart and important to cover for the fact that they know nothing. That’s Sarah Palin. That’s is what she tries to do whenever she speaks. But since she is insane and dumb at the same time, she mangles her words.

Anyway, having Sarah Palin as the national face of the GOP is a gift to the Democratic Party everywhere. So please, Sarah, run.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    In the end she will Patriotically Decline, as it will look too much like work.

  2. Tom McKenney says:

    Just another attempt to keep herself in the news. Luckily and unluckily she has become irrelevant .

  3. Jason330 says:

    Like Christine O’Donnell, when the checking account gets low, she pulls out her email list of suckers.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Mystery solved: Palin has a book coming out. She needs people to buy it.

  5. Another Mike says:

    I think the word in there that best describes Mrs. Palin is “unintelligible.” I say that because people have requested me considering it.

    How many colleges did she go to?

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh please, our very own Klondike Kardashian. Have at her Del Dem.

  7. Steve Newton says:

    No. Unfortunately God does not love you that much. Nor does the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  8. V says:

    I used to do a summer activity where they would serve us “trash bag salad” when stuff got low and we were running on leftovers. It consisted of throwing a bunch of leftovers (lettuce, chicken from the other night, cheese from another night, maybe some pasta) into a trash bag and shaking it up. Weird, but always delicious.

    Someone once referred to the way Palin speaks as “word salad” and now this is what I think about when I think about Sarah Palin. Like she just throws a bunch of words and phrases into a garbage bag, shakes it ups, and just says whatever comes out. Not as delicious.

  9. geezer says:

    V: Outstanding. I’m afraid to ask what the “summer activity” was.

  10. V says:

    haha drum corps. marching band in the summer for crazy people.

  11. LeBay says:

    We’ve all met that person at work or elsewhere in our lives who try to use big words or a lot of words to sound smart and important to cover for the fact that they know nothing.

    Cops almost always talk like this when speaking to the press. They will misuse a $10 word where a properly used $2 word would be much more accurate.

  12. Mark H says:

    V what corp? I was very briefly in Crossman, but loved to see the Madison Scouts back in the early 80’s..

  13. J Tracy says:

    Any conservative is better than a stellar liberal regardless of education. Wisdom isn’t taught or found in college anymore.

  14. cassandra m says:

    Wisdom isn’t taught or found anywhere near the Wasilla Grifter or her fans, either. Which is why they never recognize wisdom or intelligence, really.

  15. Tom McKenney says:

    Wisdom isn’t taught or found in college anymore.

    You can’t teach wisdom. I would not expect a conservative to have the wisdom to realize that.

  16. Dave says:

    “Wisdom isn’t taught or found in college anymore.”

    Nor is it found on WND or Infowars either. Wisdom involves critical thinking and when you are held hostage by or resort to labels (“Any conservative is better than a stellar liberal “) you either lost the ability for critical thinking or never had it.