Gunshots at US Capitol, One Officer Down. Capitol on Lockdown.

Filed in National by on October 3, 2013


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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Several officers down. These officers are unpaid due to the Republican Shutdown

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    At least half a dozen shots were heard outside the U.S. Capitol.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    NBC employee on @msnbc: 10 or 15 gunshots in rapid succession. Police were chasing a black vehicle up Constitution Ave

  4. Jason330 says:

    Ginger Gibson ‏@GingerGibson 13m

    Pretty scary to walk into the hallway and have a cop start yelling “take cover take cover.”
    Ginger Gibson ‏@GingerGibson 18m

    Locked down in the House press periodical gallery. We’re not sure what’s going on outside.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Attempted Assassin is dead.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    @ThePEOC: This apparently began with an incident at the White House. Getting more info shortly.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Per @ABC, this actually started at the White House when someone tried to ram the gate, then fled to Capitol Hill

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Looking more like this might have been a domestic terror attack.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    @dceiver: Let’s consider the “should people get their shutdown back pay” debate settled.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    car tried to ram White House barricades, were chased down (presumably) PA Av and Constitution, resulting in shots at Capitol

  11. Jason330 says:

    A domestic terrorist exercising his 2nd amendment rights.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Capitol lockdown lifted.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    @ABC #BREAKING: Source says female suspect reported dead on scene at U.S. Capitol.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    She jumped out of the car and started shooting. Now she is dead. Good.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Randy Neugebauer reportedly stopping by each of the snipers to tell them that they should be ashamed. /snark

  16. Jason330 says:

    Is Christine O’Donnell accounted for?

  17. liberalgeek says:

    beat me to it Jason

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Dear GOP House: Feel free to tell any police officer in the vicinity why you’re not paying them again.

  19. Delaware Dem says:

    the car is on NBC right now. Black Infiniti. 4 door sedan.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Before shots, witness reported seeing black Lexus speeding toward Capitol with 3-4 cop cars following

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    Pete Williams adds that car chase then led to outside of Senate Hart Office Building, where shootings took place

  22. puck says:

    Was she armed? I guess we’ll have confirmation by tonight.There has to be video.

  23. Delaware Dem says:

    She had a child in the car. Disgusting.

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    According to reports and Pete Williams, whose word is gold, she got out of the car with a gun and started shooting.

  25. Delaware Dem says:

    Pete Williams now says it is not known if she is alive or dead. She was shot though.

  26. Delaware Dem says:

    According to ABC, child is unharmed.

  27. cassandra_m says:

    Capitol Police giving a press conference or briefing at 4:15.

  28. meatball says:

    So far, it appears that all the gunshots fired were by Capital Police and Secret Service.

    “Shortly thereafter, at 2nd St. and Maryland Ave., NE, she jumped a curb and stopped her vehicle, leaving a child behind in the car and attempted to flee the scene, according to the federal official. Multiple officers then fired multiple gunshots; the woman was hit by gunfire and died, Orr reports. ”

    Execution anyone?

  29. socialistic ben says:

    The person was unarmed….. seems someone committed a successful Death by Cop.

    “A domestic terrorist exercising his 2nd amendment rights.”

    “Attempted Assassin is dead.”

    Care to walk any of that back?

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    Meatball, have you seen the video? She tried to run down three officers. A car is a deadly weapon. That was three counts of attempted murder. And for all those officers knew that car had a bomb in it, and when you consider they had a women who seemed determine to ram through gates at the White House and the Capitol, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that.

    The shooting was perfectly reasonable and appropriate. It is a shame, for now it appears that she was crazy, but the officers could not know that then. If you are going to try to run down police officers, ignore their warnings and instructions, and try to ram protected and secure areas, you are going to be shot at. Simple as that.

  31. Delaware Dem says:

    Ben, yep. As always, the fog of war during the breaking minutes of a developing story. It turns out she was just a crazy woman who tried to kill at least three officers with her car and ram the gates at the White House and the Capitol, all the while being a horribly negligent parent with her toddler in the car. But it appears she did not have a gun. So that makes this all better.

  32. puck says:

    A car is a deadly weapon.

    Except she was reportedly OUT of the car when she was finally gunned down. Now they have to produce a cop who claims she was reaching for something.

  33. turk184 says:

    socialistic ben = meatball. DD for the score!!!

  34. puck says:

    “who tried to kill at least three officers with her car”

    The video I saw showed her trying to escape, not to kill anybody. That low speed is not an indication of intent to kill (unless there is more video),

    It is a modern conceit that any movement of a car in the vicinity of an officer is attempted murder, which justifies emptying your gun into the suspect.

  35. Jason330 says:

    A thorough congressional investigation will prove that this is related to Benghazi.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    Puck… early reports had her getting out of the car with a gun. Those reports were false. Now it appears she was hit when the officers shot at her car.

  37. socialistic ben says:

    How is calling her an assassin any different from that GOP fool who blamed Obama?
    This is looking like serious mental health case, NOT a right winger with a gun as was so hinted at.
    DD, I have a lot of respect for you as a blogger.. but you should really know better than to trust early reports. They are wrong every time, the media in this country is horrible at their jobs (you’ve pointed that out many times).
    Another way to look at this…. DC police gunned down an unarmed black woman in broad daylight.

  38. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey, Ben, back up. You asked whether I would retract the Assassin statement and the Domestic Terrorist statement. This is what I said:

    Ben, yep. As always, the fog of war during the breaking minutes of a developing story.

    I suppose this statement was not as clear as it could have been, so let me rephrase and repeat: I retract calling her an assassin or a domestic terrorist. During the breaking moments of this story, it looked like that was the case, but it was not as we learned more. So we were wrong and we retract.

    I do not, however, retract the statement that it was appropriate for the Capital Police to shoot her.

  39. socialistic ben says:

    Understood. It looked like it could have been sarcasticish (jeeze, ben..projection much?). I’ll try and be less reactionary myself next time.
    I think what makes this even more depressing is that those cops aren’t getting paid.

  40. meatball says:

    Oh, I totally believe the shooting can be justified. Fog of war and all that.

    “A car as a deadly weapon.”

    What now, mental health test at DMV, limit the number of gallons of gasoline cars can hold, ban certain types of imports….?

  41. Liberal Elite says:

    It’s starting to look more like a case of DWB.

    It’s seems questionable procedures were followed… or was it reasonable procedures were ignored.

    One thing for sure… They didn’t have to kill her.

  42. Here we go again. A second mentally ill person in our nation’s capitol. This time, the failure of our mental health system resulted in a little child being orphaned and officers being hurt. Pieces of information are beginning to seep out, not all verified but the pattern looks clear. Reports said she had been hospitalized, anti-psychotic meds found at home, providers saying they were “tapering” her down on her meds. Her distraught mother reported as saying she suffered postpartum depression. Question, does this behavior look like depression to you? Other reports have her variously saying to family/friends the President was talking to her or stalking her. So, to net it down, another psychotic person improperly treated, maybe the meds not working or not the right dosage….or, she was not taking them. And those around her put at risk, especially that l year old baby. Isn’t it time to rethink how we care for the obviously mentally ill?

  43. puck says:

    As someone pointed out on the radio this morning, the government district in DC is basically a war zone, and all the armed agents are on a war footing. Under those conditions it would take nerves of steel to hold your fire, which I guess is why nobody has issued me a firearm. Maybe under normal urban rules for use of force, the death could have been avoided. But in the seat of our government the stakes are too high.

    If you are unarmed, crashing into the White House gate and then continuing to behave erratically is a pretty reliable way of obtaining suicide by cop.

    One thing that could make a difference is – where was she when the fatal volley was fired? I know they shot into the moving car and may have hit her. But I heard an early report that at the end of her ride she got out of the car and then they filled her up with lead. I haven’t heard any more about that. Maybe they are keeping mum because it bears on the officers’ liability.