Vet to Cruz: Keep Your Slimy Hands Off My Memorials

Filed in National by on October 14, 2013

Ted Cruz, you dishonor your title, Senator.  You do not deserve it.  You dishonor all U.S. military veterans and the monuments built to honor us.  Yes, I say us.  I am the third generation in my family to serve as an officer in the U.S. Army.  My father served in WWII and Korea.  His father served in WWI.  The monument you visited with your merry band of nut cases over the weekend was built to honor our brothers and sisters who served the UNITED States of America.  Get it?  They served and many gave their lives not just for Texas or Alaska, but all the United States, every damned one of them and all of them together.  Why do I mention Alaska?  Because your insulting, hypocritical visit to these memorials included your evil twin sister, Sarah Palin.

You two represented the leadership of your seccessionist tribe of teabaggers who stand for the neoconfederacy you advocate to replace our United States.  You argue for the un-uniting of our nation-state, yet you visit shrines built to memorialize those who stood for preserving our United States against external threats to our existence.  You two represent an internal threat to our unity and existence.

To add to the insult you made by visiting the WWII Memorial, you and your tribe carried the battle flag of the confederacy.  What a cruel irony.  The flag representing the seccessionist southern army which fought for and lost the cause of taking our nation apart for a thoroughly dishonorable objective.

Here’s another cruel irony.  Your father sought refuge in this United States of America for his family on the premise of a better life than he thought you might have faced in Cuba.  You all immigrated to and sought citizenship in the USA.  Now you advocate tearing it apart.

Shame on you.  As a proud veteran I demand you demean yourself in some other venue.  Take your hypocritical presence to a more appropriate memorial…perhaps memorializing the now dead confederacy you are trying to revive.


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  1. aoine says:

    Nice post, good sentiment,

    Thanks – ur not the only vet from a family of vets that feels this way. 🙂

    Notice how many tea bagging politicians never served? Hmmmmmm

  2. Rustydils says:

    I dont think it was ted or sarah who pulled down the baricades that obama orderdd set up. It was veterans who took them down. And they did not take them to the caoital, they took them to the whitehouse. But you would not understand, because you too are a friend of the Reich

  3. Rustydils says:

    P.S. I guess my hundres of derogotory comments about obama care have been wrong, and you guys have been right. All evidence is pointing to this being one sweet piece of legislation

  4. socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, dude, if you’re going to shoot for sarcasm like that, you should make sure what you’re saying isn’t actually true.
    Dont worry, buddy. we’ll teach ya how to communicate yet!

  5. Dana says:

    I believe that you meant secessionist, not successionist.

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    Maximize suffering, and blame opposition. Move from one divisive issue to the next. Polarize and disorientate the populace.

    BTW, can anyone tell me why the administration allowed an immigration reform rally on the national mall, but kept veterans out?

  7. cassandra_m says:

    So maybe we should be thankful that they didn’t show up wearing the linens.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Obama ordered the memorial closed? Yeah, I’m sure that’s what happened. That’s fucking hilarious…

    Anyway, for a group of mentally unstable dipshits who have a penchant for calling intelligent people “traitors,” I find it wonderfully ironic that they brandish the Confederate Stars and Bars.

    If you pardon the venting, anyone who displays the Confederate flag in this manner is a putrid puddle of swine vomit. Besides the obvious, the flag also symbolizes the perfect moniker for the Rusty Dick set… sore fucking losers.

  9. Truth Teller says:

    The flag that stands for Traitors and most of all losers which is what the Teabaggers and Un Americans are

  10. AQC says:

    I second everything Dorian said! And, what the fuck did the Teajhadi Republicans think was going to happen when they pushed for a government shutdown?