The Full Speech

Filed in National by on June 3, 2016

I will have more on this later in the Open Thread.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Simply and directly quoting a candidate is “bashing” ? This isn’t a bunch of speculation. He said all of that shit.

    I hope the press doesn’t regard this speech as “bashing”

  2. Ben says:

    This was more than a bashing. This was slaughter… Cant wait for more.
    Give em Hell, Hill’.

  3. pandora says:

    This was pitch perfect!

  4. cassandra_m says:

    She had fun doing that, too.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    I hope this performance calms the fears of some of her general election prospects.

  6. puck says:

    Hillary definitely makes a strong case that Trump sucks. But I already know that, so the speech has minimal impact on me. OK, now she has a foundation speech attacking Trump’s character – now what else is she running on?

    Another Democrat also tried a campaign that portrayed his GOP opponent as an extremist who lacked the judgment to be President:

    In his speech in Neshoba, Reagan reaffirmed his support for state’s rights, the doctrine that had been widely invoked in the region in support of segregation. The Mississippi incident was followed by other missteps: Reagan appeared before a jeering crowd of hecklers in the Bronx; he proclaimed the Vietnam War “a noble cause;” he suggested that both creationism and Darwinism should be taught in schools; he wrongly linked President Carter to the Ku Klux Klan. After Reagan expressed his support for Taiwan, his campaign team sent George Bush to China to reassure Chinese leaders that a Reagan presidency would not bring a wholesale reevaluation of Sino-American relations.

    How did that election work out for Democrats?

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Hillary is not Jimmy Carter, and Trump is no Reagan. Situation is completely different.

  8. Dave says:

    Trump’s own words coming back to haunt him. But more importantly, the first presidential speech from the next president.

  9. Dave says:

    “I hope this performance calms the fears…”

    No. Stuff happens, On any given Sunday, Murphy’s Law, Sod’s law, laws of infernal dynamics, etc.

  10. anonymous says:

    “Hillary is not Jimmy Carter, and Trump is no Reagan. Situation is completely different.”

    No, not completely. The point is a good one, and has been made here many times by many people — you’re highly unlikely to win on fear of the other candidate alone. She needs a program that everyone can get behind; instead, her program offers help only to those who see themselves as victimized by large forces in society that she really can’t change anyway.

    There’s nothing in her campaign to inspire anyone who doesn’t play identity politics.

  11. MarcoPolo says:

    @anonymous – What an amazing place of privilege you must be in to write off an entire civil rights platform as “identity politics.”

  12. anonymous says:

    By definition, the appeal is to people who perceive themselves as underprivileged. By tradition, political campaigns are supposed to include everyone.

    Yes, I’m already privileged. Is she telling me to vote for someone else? Because the times are too serious for me to base my vote on giving women and minorities exactly half of the shit sandwich we’ve been handed.

    As an aside, as a grievance-monger, do you expect that telling employers that they’re privileged will gain you employment? Or do you only use it to try to shame other people into not saying things that remind you of your lowly status?

  13. Ben says:

    This is where the people who truly want to see social and economic justice are separated from the people who truly want free shit.
    People who are willing to throw Muslims to the dogs (voting for Trump, or voting for anyone other than the candidate best positioned to beat him) are the second one.

  14. Liberal Elite says:

    @a “Yes, I’m already privileged. Is she telling me to vote for someone else?”

    No. It’s a test of character.

  15. anonymous says:

    Really? You want to test the character of the American public? That’s the sure path to a Trump victory.

    Equal rights is a position I expect from any Democratic candidate. What ELSE have you got? Because if that’s all, then where’s the meat? As I said, half a shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich.

    I thought we had already long since established that half of the shit sandwich is what this election is about for so many, many Hillary supporters. That, and holding a celebration after the victory.

    PS: If I voted only on economic self-interest, I would vote straight GOP, so spare me the lectures about character.

  16. Liberal Elite says:

    @a “Really? You want to test the character of the American public? That’s the sure path to a Trump victory.”

    Yea. Really. That’s the way the GOP has always won since the ’80s. They tell the voters that ethics and morality are relative and expendable. That’s been Fox News’ primary message to its viewers. It’s the only way someone can be a blatant racist or misogynist and still be happy. Well sort of happy… Studies do show that liberals are happier than conservatives on the whole.