Smyk Shits on Shot Students

Filed in National by on April 4, 2018

Steve Smyk really is the worst kind of NRA asslick.

In recent days, we’ve seen a disturbing increase in the volume of attacks on the students who spoke at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. The hate-the-victim narrative goes something like this: These kids are tools of the left-wing media and others with a left-wing agenda. They are professional actors enjoying their 15 minutes of fame. My favorite, straight from the National Review, is that David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland shooting, is a “useful idiot.”

These talking points drafted by the NRA and its friends are ill-informed, cynical and heartless. And guess who’s repeating them? State Rep. Steve Smyk.

In a recent email exchange I had with Smyk, he wrote: “I hope you enjoyed your trip to DC with friends. They are certainly not wrong and are encouraged to organize and share their concerns, but you may have been one to have fallen for the rhetoric that events like this often find convenient to focus on a villain in an effort to bring people closer for future political issues. They may have issue with other policy, but they’ve led you astray if you believe this is one of them.”

This callous statement is offensive for so many reasons, not least of which is its assault on the English language.

For the record, we did not “enjoy” our trip to D.C. How do you “enjoy” watching someone who was wounded in a school massacre become so overwrought in the retelling of her tragedy that she vomits, as she noted, in front of an international television audience?

Not my kind of entertainment.

Equally offensive is his condescending suggestion that naiveté is the reason why anyone would fall for the “rhetoric” of these manipulative schoolchildren with an agenda. Smyk is a stranger to me. But based on his sarcastic approach to constituent service, I am not impressed. It tells me this is an individual who totally lacks the qualities we expect from our government representatives: empathy, compassion, dignity, honesty and courage.

May I suggest this to Smyk. State your case but do so in a way that suggests you understand and empathize with school kids who will bear the scars of this trauma for the rest of their lives. Is that asking too much?

Gerry Cohen
chair, Gun Regulation Committee, Progressive Democrats of Sussex County


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Paul says:

    “I hope you enjoyed your trip to DC with friends. They are certainly not wrong and are encouraged to organize and share their concerns, but you may have been one to have fallen for the rhetoric that events like this often find convenient to focus on a villain in an effort to bring people closer for future political issues. They may have issue with other policy, but they’ve led you astray if you believe this is one of them.” -Steve Smyk
    I don’t know about you, but I find this run-on sentence indecipherable. How did this guy graduate from high school? How did he qualify for our State Police? If this is the standard we set for State Troopers, I am in dismay.
    As for his disdain for our kids, well, he apparently has not brain and no heart. What a shitshow the 20th Rep district is, to elect this slothful nincompoop.

  2. Alby says:

    Not just any trooper. Former head of the union.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I know some Dover lawmakers and staffers read this space from time to time. If you happen to run into Steve in the hallway or the men’s room or wherever tell him to go fuck himself with a tire iron.

    This message is from me personally.

    I have nothing but contempt for him. Most of us do. He’s a disgusting person and I feel sad and embarrassed for his family.

    Fuck you, Steve, you god damn worm.

    P.S. I also enjoyed my trip to DC.

  4. Paul says:

    State police make the worst of the worst representatives, and all on our state police pension at 20 dime. Fie.

  5. MikeM2784 says:

    There is a democratic candidate in the 20th who has been out working hard against this doofus. Much of the district also overlaps with Senate 6, so if the party would focus on this area, there is a 2 for 1 opportunity.

  6. Paul says:

    Steve Smyrk

  7. jason330 says:

    I like the look of this Jack Bucchioni

    The New Wave Of Leadership In 2018:

    I was recently motivated to step up from my prior life into the race for the 2018 Delaware House District 20 seat. My new focus was triggered by recent consequences of the 2016 election and residual local effects. To paraphrase President Obama’s farewell address, he said “don’t complain”, he then inspired all Democrats to “do something about it “. “Pick up a clip board and run for an office, any office, up and down the ballot even if you have never run”. I hear President Obama loud and clear, we as a party need to build for the future, let’s get started!

    2017 has challenged some of the more fundamental Democratic values we all agree are important. Career jobs with fair wages, affordable healthcare, critical roads | communication infrastructure, safe drinking water, parks, wildlife, and the American dream, are all under siege.

    Now, we are seeing serious threats to our coastal quality of life. It’s time to step up and do something positive. Working together we can secure the future now!”

    -John (Jack) Bucchioni

  8. mouse says:

    Him and some other maggot have a segment on the local talk hate radio. They are supposed to talk about constituent and relevant state issues but talk almost entirely about guns, illegals and the death penalty pandering to the vicious bigoted rubes who vote for them

  9. spktruth says:

    Perhaps Steve the Schmuck is listening to too much talk radio in Sussex, and believes those 13 regular callers who call all those alt right shows are proof he is right. His base are Moms who vote, even if their dimwitted husbands are pro guns…once in the booth in private they could easily vote against him.

  10. bamboozer says:

    Let us now chant our mantra my brethren: No State Police retirees in the government, not now, not later, not ever.

    • spktruth says:

      Agree wholeheartedly Alby. Enough of these cops they make terrible legislators, keeping progress from moving forward on every issue.

  11. mouse says:

    It’s like having the mafia run the state

    • spktruth says:

      They not only run the state the run the federal government too, remember when Trump told police “don’t be nice to people your arresting”. We know Trump was/has been involved with Russian mobs in NY…and they support Trumpolini’s policies.