Ivanka Trump Is Not a Cunt, Motherfucker

Filed in National by on June 1, 2018

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words are micro-aggressions — especially if the word in question is the original Anglo-Saxon term for the female genitalia. Comedian Samantha Bee used it to describe Ivanka Trump, causing right-wingers to collapse on their fainting couches, like — as they’d say in Scotland — a bunch of right cunts.

Why the word has this power is something of a mystery. Its usage is first recorded in 1230 AD, when London’s red-light district had a Gropecunt Street (OK, they didn’t have red lights then, but you get the picture). It appears not infrequently in Chaucer with a different spelling (in the “Miller’s Tale,” for instance: “Pryvely he caught her by the queynte,” clearly talking about a forerunner of Trump). In Australia and the UK, especially Scotland, it’s regarded as a gender-neutral term, much like Americans use “asshole.”

In the U.S., though, no word is more taboo than “cunt,” not even the n-word, which is taboo only for whites. Larry David made a whole episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” about the repercussions after Larry calls a poker player who folds his hand a cunt. In that episode, the players, all liberals, are the ones who are shocked by the use of such a misogynist word. (Just btw, I’ve heard very little liberal criticism of Bee on this, so maybe, like the n-word is OK for rappers to use, it’s not misogyny when a woman uses the c-word.)

Right-wingers are always on the lookout for evidence they’re the real victims, and they think they’ve found some here. There are calls for TBS, which hosts Bee’s show, to fire her, much as Kathy Griffin was quickly shunned for showing a “decapitated” Trump by holding up a rubber mask of the nation’s biggest right cunt. Given the typical left-wing response to such affronts — ask ACORN (oh, wait, you can’t because Democrats acted like a bunch of cunts and went along with defunding it) or Al Franken (oh, wait, you can’t because Democrats acted like a bunch of cunts and threw him out of the Senate for playing grab-ass during photo shoots, while ignoring Bob Menendez’ thievery).

I didn’t see the segment in question, but it sounds as if Bee was just using the word as a throwaway insult, in which case she used it incorrectly.

Ivanka Trump is not a cunt. She’s a twat.

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  1. Ben says:

    I like to fight misogyny by only using terms for male genitalia to insult people.
    look, as long as men are legislating women’s bodies, women can use whatever words the like and demand men not use them. When the patriarchy is truly dead, it can be revisiteded. Right now, the GOP and all their little shitheads are gleeful about this because they dont have to talk about the 5000 deaths they caused in PR.

  2. Ben says:

    This also proves the double standard. Im betting Sam Bee loses her show. this’ll be donnie’s big project for a while and he sure did win with the NFL.
    However… Turd Nugget REGULARLY threatened to kill Obama and the Orange Shit invited him to the WH, so only women have to watch what they have to say.

  3. Alby says:

    “as long as men are legislating women’s bodies, women can use whatever words the like and demand men not use them.”

    Nobody should legislate anyone’s body, gender be damned. Women can use whatever words they like regardless.

    They also can demand whatever they want, but I’m free to ignore those demands, because they don’t have the power to enforce their preferences and I don’t share them. They’re offended? So noted, but I don’t care.

    I notice that few liberals have expressed outrage at Bee’s use of the term, showing that, as with most things political, the real issue here is tribalism.

  4. Alby says:

    As for Bee losing her show, I agree she probably will. Corporations have no “values” beyond preserving the largest possible market share, and therefore try to shut off controversy as quickly as possible.

    Conservatives aren’t very bright; they’re often motivated by getting even, almost literally so. They will try to claim Bee’s scalp as repayment for O’Reilly et al, though it would still leave them behind on their Ruined Celebrity bingo cards.

  5. Ben says:

    yeah, all that is implied, but currently women arent legislating men’s bodies, so that argument doesnt need to be had.

  6. Arthur says:

    lets just set a policy that if you are on tv and make a deregatory comment about anyone in any media you will automatically be fired.

  7. mediawatch says:

    If I’m correctly interpreting the comments from Sally Field and Minnie Driver, Samantha’s offense was calling Ivanka “feckless.”

  8. Alby says:

    There’s not a speck of feck in the entire Trump family.

  9. Teddy R says:

    RE Vanella used the word in this blog and nobody called him on it. You all are funny.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    I did! More than once. As a matter of fact, I believe your nickname is Cunty Roosevelt.

    Someone actually brought up what my missus would say about, so she came on here and said what she thought about it. I remember the whole thing!

  11. Alby says:

    @Teddy: I’m sorry, did I give the impression that I disapprove of use of the word? If so, please point out where I did, as I wouldn’t want it to happen again.