Charles Pierce Turns Jack Markell Into Smoking Pile of Rubble

Filed in National by on July 24, 2018

Esquire’s Charlie Pierce has had it up to here with Democrats promulgating bullshit from the ’90s, and to show it he turned his big gun on ex-Delaware Gov. Jack Markell:

No offense to the good people of Delaware, but who the hell is this guy when he’s at home, and why should I give a damn about anything he says?… If we’re going to do this, it’s incumbent upon us to get our terms right. These are not moderate Democrats. These are conservative Democrats. You know who’s a moderate Democrat these days? It’s a Democrat who wants to get to universal healthcare by degrees, and someone who wants to get to free college a couple of years at a time. …Big. Bold. Warmed-over Clintonism with a touch of delicately spiced Kempism, a lovely little time trip back to 1990, and almost perfectly designed political chickenshit at a time of national crisis. And absolutely nothing that will do anything about massive income inequality and the concomitant control that the corporate class has assumed over every institution of government.

I’d quote his walk-off, too, but it’s not fair to Pierce. Go read the whole thing.

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  1. john kowalko says:

    I shouldn’t say “I told you so” but I have been “telling you so”. THE DEFAC ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REVENUES ESTABLISHED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 47 was constructed and created by Jack Markell and their first report was issued in 2015. It is available (in all of its hoary glory and nasty disregard for working people and fair/progressive taxation policies) with a simple google search. It forfeits any semblance of balancing interests by conceding and encouraging massive corporate tax cuts and and subsidies while giving away revenues from the most wealthy (Estate Tax repeal). The report/recommendation/(death sentence for middle class) has been reissued in 2018 and support has been acknowledged and embraced with Governor Carney’s recent executive order. The horrific truth is that Democrats on the advisory board and appointed to financial committees have embraced this Republican/Norquist/Gingrich et al plan which mirrors the template offered by ALEC and the Chamber of Commerce to further increase the wealth of the 1% at the expense of the 99%. Senator McDowell does not agree with this plan. If anyone wishes to identify the Democrat leaders other than the Governor and his Secretary of Finance who champion this insidious attempt to undermine working people and small businesses feel free to contact me.
    Representative John Kowalko

  2. Paul says:

    I also said progressives occupy the center, not the radical left.

  3. Jim C says:

    Thanks John for your insight and info. If I win the Mega Millions tonight, do you want to be our US Senator or Governor of Delaware?😉

  4. Jim C says:

    Sorry John, I didn’t win MegaMillions. Still I’ve got TIME to help you. Let me know…

  5. I ‘won’ $2 in Megamillions. Meaning, I lost $8.

    My plan to save humankind (and corner the world market on French burgundy) will just have to wait.