Fox Scares Viewers With ‘Radical Agenda’ of Health Care, Education and Living Wages

Filed in National by on July 24, 2018

Every timid Democrat needs to see this segment of “Fox & Friends.” For the second time in two days, the propaganda operation tried to scare its viewers with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “radical leftist agenda.” Problem is, some viewers might get the wrong impression.

The segment was an interview with a Daily Caller writer named Virginia Kruta, who attended a rally for Missouri congressional candidate Cori Bush, headlined by Ocasio-Cortez, and listened to their stump speeches. As an Ayn Rand Republican, she was horrified:

[T]hen Ocasio-Cortez spoke, followed by [Cori] Bush, and I saw something truly terrifying. I saw just how easy it would be, were I less involved and less certain of our nation’s founding and its history, to fall for the populist lines they were shouting from that stage. I saw how easy it would be, as a parent, to accept the idea that my children deserve healthcare and education. I saw how easy it would be, as someone who has struggled to make ends meet, to accept the idea that a “living wage” was a human right. Above all, I saw how easy it would be to accept the notion that it was the government’s job to make sure that those things were provided.

When Fox asked how she felt as a conservative in a socialism-approving crowd, she said, “I was mostly uncomfortable, because I was surrounded by a group of people who were talking about how they had gotten involved because they were tired of being angry all the time. It seems like so much effort to be angry about everything, instead of to focus on what you could do to change it.”

“If you’re not really paying attention to how they’re going to pay for it, or the rest of that, it’s easy to fall into that trap and say, ‘My kids deserve this’ and ‘Well, maybe the government should be responsible for helping me with that,’” she said.

How are we going to pay for it? By taxing the rich shits who pay your salary, Ms. Krupa.

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  1. jason330 says:

    “I saw how easy it would be, as a parent, to accept the idea that my children deserve healthcare and education. ”

    Hilarious. That’s the “extreme left” hocus-pocus what Chris Coons and Jack Markell are fighting tooth and nail against. They sound similarly nervous.

  2. bamboozer says:

    As a musician I meet a great many people all over Delaware and surrounding states, as it’s business I usually don’t discuss politics. But the one issue I do take on is healthcare, it’s a huge concern for all but the rich, truth is it’s an easy battle to win if you don’t mention Obamacare. Everybody is scared of a healthcare system that charges double and routinely bankrupts tens of thousands of Americans. Everybody is scared of paying for a rigged system that funnels money to hospitals, Big Pharma and all the rest. When you point out 24 countries already have it, some for well in excess of half a century, it piques their interest to say the least.