A chance for Moderate & Centrist Democrats to step up

Filed in National by on August 29, 2018

This mid-term election will provide moderate Democrats an opportunity to step up and hold their nose while they vote for a candidate more “liberal” than their dream candidate.

Don’t worry moderate & centrist Dems – you can do it. What choice do you have? Are you really going to vote for a Republican? Of course not. Will you abstain and thereby throw your vote to the Republican? C’mon. Be practical.

Don’t be a purist.

Don’t apply your narrow litmus tests.

Don’t be a sore loser.

We agree more than we disagree.

You can do this.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Ben says:

    Been there? Shit boi, ive been doing it my entire voting life… holding my nose and voting for the not-Republican…. I’ve also seen the moderates dems continue to hemorrhage seats, so their plan is dumber than reaganomics. The only consistently successful democrats have been the bold ones; 2008-Obama…. um, I’m sure there are others…..

  2. jason330 says:

    “Aw… you didn’t get your pony, so you are going to take your ball and go home?”

    Moderate Dems were the absolute worst in victory, I doubt they’ll be very graceful in defeat. But, you never know. They could surprise us.

  3. jason330 says:

    Gwen Graham shows other conservative Dems how to step up:

    “I want to congratulate @AndrewGillum. The truth is after 20 years of one-party rule, Florida simply can’t afford another Republican governor. That’s why I’ve pledged to do everything I can to help Mayor Gillum defeat DeSantis in November. Please join us in moving Florida forward.”

    – Via twitter

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Tom Carper and the Rise and Fall of the Delaware Way

    By Ryan Grim


  5. RE Vanella says:

    “Like runoff from its chemical plants, the Delaware Way is in the water.”

  6. RE Vanella says:

    “On Monday evening, Carper squared off against Air Force veteran and community activist Kerri Evelyn Harris in what appears to be the first live-streamed or televised debate between a Democratic incumbent for high office and a primary challenger in Delaware history. Primaries against established politicians — with a few important exceptions — are not the Delaware Way.”

  7. RE Vanella says:

    “Drew Serres, Harris’s campaign manager, said that Carper is bothered by the charge that he is corporate-friendly ‘because he doesn’t even view it as being a bad thing. He’s like, this is the Delaware Way. This is how you help people.’”

  8. RE Vanella says:

    “The story continues under Donald Trump. In 2018, Carper has voted for at least 12 Trump nominees to the federal bench or to his administration, including a crucial vote to make Big Pharma executive Alex Azar the secretary of Health and Human Services. He was also one of a handful of Democrats to join with Republicans to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank’s Wall Street reform.”

  9. RE Vanella says:

    The tick-tock on the DuPont stuff is very dirty business. Then Grim finishes with the plain truth from the People’s Champion:

    “He does show up, and he’ll give you a nice witty story for everything. You’ll be like, ‘Man, it’s cold out here,’” she said, before moving into an impersonation of Carper: “‘Yeah, one time, I was in Korea, and it was like zero degrees,’ and you’re like, ‘Oh, God, you’re so nice! But you sign these horrible bills.’ He’s a nice guy, but people are ready for him to go.”

  10. bamboozer says:

    And it’s a festival of Rev-a-nella! I agree with all of it, Carper is out to lunch, out of touch and ten years past his expiration date. I view “the Delaware way” as worship of the rich and the corporations they own, and I want none of it.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    Read the whole Grim article, dog. You’ll dig it.

  12. mouse says:

    It’s getting to a point where people like me are at a tipping point and aren’t going to hold their noses to vote for the likes of Carper. If the dems fall out of power because of it, I’m to the point where I don’t really care.

  13. jason330 says:

    nobody could read that Ryan Grim article and vote for Tom Carper. Tom Carper couldn’t vote for himself if he read it.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    “These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power.”

    —Franklin D Roosevelt

  15. RE Vanella says:

    I feel you, mouse. I try to discourage folks from being accelerationist. It causes more pain.

    But it’s becoming more and more difficult by the day.

  16. mouse says:

    Yeah, that’s why I voted for Clinton

  17. RE Vanella says:

    Me too. I know exactly how you feel.

    Next Thursday we can make a bit of history.

    Let’s cross that other bridge when it comes.