Colleen Davis is Bad at Driving – Epilogue

Filed in National by on December 21, 2018

Delaware treasurer-elect Colleen Davis pleaded guilty to a reduced speeding offense Thursday morning as part of a plea agreement that saw several other more serious traffic charges, including driving on suspended license, dropped.

The Treasurer job comes with a driver, so all good.

Wait, what? It doesn’t come with a driver. Oh well. There is always Delaware’s world-class public transit system for people who are transportation impaired.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. Kelly says:

    I think she is hiding something that she don’t want the public to know. I also think she got off light because of her new position. She better take a defensive driving class. Why is it that when a Democrat women takes that office they Fuck thinks up?

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Grand conspiracy. $45 fine.

  3. jason330 says:

    “I think she is hiding something”

    No doubt. Probably a dead body in the trunk.

  4. Re Vanella says:

    Best bit of this entire overblown made-up controversy is the final result article byline went to Randall Chase of AP. Goss gotta little contributing blurb at the end.

    I cherish this detail.

  5. RSE says:

    I love the way you guys brush it off like it’s only about her driving. Must be nice owning the the whole State now, huh? Guess you own this too:

    For a State that is entirely run by Democrats, you would think that environmental concerns would be more of a priority.

    • Alby says:

      You would be wrong. In Delaware, it’s long been Republicans — notably Gov. Russell Peterson and Sen. Bill Roth — who have cared more about the environment. Democrats, dominated by unions, have always been willing to trade environmental quality for jobs.

      Unfortunately, Republicans lost their advantage on this when Sussex went Republican. Down there land-peddling greed overwhelmed caring about water quality a long time ago.

    • Paul says:

      Oh PLEASE!

  6. meatball says:

    “The Atlas Point facility, purchased by Croda in 2006, has handled ethylene oxide and other chemicals for decades.”

    • RSE says:

      They only started manufacturing the chemical on-site this year. Things like this are only a problem when the Republicans are in charge though.

      • meatball says:

        So do you suggest more regulation, less regulation, heavier fines for malfeasance…what, going forward, do you suggest to prevent events like this occurring in the future? Are you still afraid to cut grass in the rain? lol.

  7. RSE says:

    BTW , her dad was the head of the GOP in Sussex when it was at its craziest, and I’ve been hearing that she went door to door for Trump in 2016.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    RSE again trying to pound his little round dick into a square hole. Wild stuff.

  9. Alby says:

    I refuse to be drawn into defending this woman simply because she’s less objectionable than Ken Simpler was.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Not defending Davis. I simply don’t care.

      Some fucking maniac rep/senator from Sussex carried a 9mm into Salisbury airport. There were 2 stories. One when it happen and one when when he got off with a only a yellow card.

      There’s been 5 stories on her driving record.

      My critique is of the media.

      • Alby says:

        Well, you’ve got a newspaper being run by a too-young, too-inexperienced advertising exec from Alabama, so you’re getting exactly what Gannett is willing to pay for.

  10. Alby says:

    @RSE: Here’s a helpful sentence for you to memorize: “Yes, but he/she is not a Republican.” So that when people say, “But that candidate is a murderer and a cannibal,” you can safely expect to hear, “Yes, but he’s not a Republican.”

    That’s what your party has come to, and it will be a long, long time, if ever, before it’s viewed any other way.

    Remember, the treasonous behavior of the entire national party is yet to be revealed. You seem to underestimate the level of disgust that will be felt by every American who hasn’t signed up to suck Trump’s dick.

  11. jason330 says:

    Alby uncovers a real truth here. Republicans like RSE are miffed that Democrats aren’t playing by the old rules which stipulated that Democrats beat each other up over whatever nonsense that Republicans decide constitutes horrible behavior.

    RSE’s disappointment it is quaint really. It amuses me.

    Guess what? Nobody, in the age of Trump, gives a shit about what Republicans think constitutes bad behavior. We’ve seen far too much bad behavior by Republicans excused and ignored to get excited about some minor bullshit, just because you see some edge in trying getting someone excited about it.

    Bottom line – suck it.

  12. mouse says:

    She’s an attractive blonde, it gives the story more legs lol.

  13. mouse says:

    The inland bays drainage basin is being scoured of its forests and their stream, ground water and drinking water cleansing capabilities. There’s a new development on Camp Arrowhead road near me with an over filled storm water pond that is dumping sediment into Cherry Creek and Rehoboth Bay. Sediment is like toxic death to larvae and fish eggs at the base of the aquatic life web. It’s everywhere yet the Delaware legislator defers to a county council who could care less.