Carney Dedicates Term to Creating a New Top Tax Bracket in SoS Address

Filed in National by on January 17, 2019

Did he really do that? If so, that’s awesome. Our tax structure is ludicrously flat. Did anyone actually listen to the thing? Can you fact check my headline for me?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. John Kowalko says:

    I must’ve missed that lesson in creationism today. I do remember him bragging that the secret society known as the Partnership for Prosperity had given significant funding to eight businesses that are going to grow/manage/keep ??? many jobs and contribute to our ever burgeoning revenue needs (LOL). I’m still waiting for those ROI numbers from the previous Markell, Strategic Fund/Economic Development handouts to JP Morgan, Dupont, AstraZeneca, Bloom, Chemours, BOA or any of the other Fabulous Fortune Five Hundred that grazed unimpeded in the $250 million taxpayer funded Field of Dreams. Maybe the total lack of honest transparency in this new corporate welfare trough/partnership will help silence any public criticisms or critiques. After all when I worked at the refinery and questioned some of the potential threats of various air born chemicals and releases in the machine shop/fabrication area I was advised that “what you can’t see can’t hurt you”. Same theoretical approach I suppose taken by the Chamber of Commerce and all of its special interest corporate bedfellows if questioned about meetings and decisions made by the (vow of silence) monks populating that “Partnership for Prosperity monastery. “Giving away that money can’t hurt you (the taxpayer) if you don’t see us giving it away”. Of significant concern to me was the absence of any cogent energy (renewable or otherwise) policy/plan. But it did tickle my funny-bone and my asbestos occupied lungs to hear the words of praise for weakening the Coastal Zone Protection Law, especially in light of the recent CRODA chemical release/spill and further erosions of health and quality of life protections that silly Governor Russell Peterson effort imposed on those struggling companies that want to use Delaware as their own porta-potty. Cherry Island, Pigeon Point, (formerly DuPont) now Chemours’ Hay Rd. Dioxin pile and some Indian River, coal ash piles muddying the PCB contaminated rivers and streams offer living/dying?? testament to the responsible corporate/chemical community attitude we are “dying” to attract in spite of that nasty little Coastal Zone Protection thingy. Move on now, nothing to see here, nothing to fear. “If you can’t see it then it can’t hurt you”
    Representative John Kowalko

    • anon says:

      Kowalko you are the Ronald McDonald rambling old man of the far left in Delaware. Get a real job. Maybe Walmart greeter or something you’re more qualified to do.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Hey anon, That’s a good idea. You and I could partner up as co-greeters at your local Walmart store. Combined income would support “one” of our families “almost”. Oops, I almost forgot that pesky “name” tag you’d be required to wear. You’d have to drop that cowardly facade of anonymity that you currently slink about wearing. Oh well, even some rodents and insects are willing to come out at night. Thanks for your career advice.
        Representative John Kowalko

      • T Kline says:

        Agree with you but he’ll never give up his free $$$ from the taxpayers…

  2. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Anyone listening to the Delaware Online version, skip to the 10 minute point unless you want to see / hear a bunch of nonsensical pomp and circumstance. The only thing I learned from that 1st ten minutes is Lt Gov Hall Long loves to bang her gavel (she says so into a live mic).
    The only real eye-opener for me was where he says that Sen McBride has pledged to allow the assault weapons ban to come up for a full and open debate.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Corporate propoganda & pablum. Disgrace.