Rethugs Looking For New State Chair

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2019

Mike Harrington is stepping down as Chair of the State Republican Committee.  From Matt Bittle’s Twitter feed:

Republican Party Chairman Mike Harrington is not running for a second term. “Unfortunately, a number of personal matters have stepped in the way. They are items that I cannot postpone. They will monopolize my time,” he writes in an email to Republicans.

The logical successor is/would be Greg Lavelle. No Delaware R spews Fox News propaganda more faithfully. While he won’t expand the party’s base, he should be able to consolidate it.  Let’s face it, no one could have done a poorer job in the position than Harrington.  His successor, assuming someone is willing to take the job, inevitably will be an improvement.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think it is time for a full-blown Sussex County, #MAGA nutbag to take the reins. Does anyone know if Rob Peetree still has a paying gig with Park City?

  2. Alby says:

    Where’s Evan Quietsch?

  3. “Quietschy Is Pietzchy”

  4. bamboozer says:

    I second the call for a full blown flaming MAGA for brains type, preferably from Sussex as there should be an ample supply on hand.

  5. jason330 says:

    More of the state’s wingnuts live in New Castle than in Kent & Sussex combined, but the DEGOP allows the tail to wag the dog in every other way – why not get the chairmanship?

  6. Hard to Believe says:

    two guys John Feroce or Mike Protack could do the job

  7. According to Matt Bittle, this guy wants to run for State R chair. Does anybody remember his campaign against Carper? I don’t:

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    Rob Arlett isn’t doing jack these days.

  9. Matt Bittle reports on his invaluable Twitter feed that, wait for it, Jane Brady wants to be the Rethug state chair. It suits her, and the Party. Along with Wayne Smith, Tom Sharp, and Jim Vaughn, Brady, as AG, was responsible for the draconian drug laws that only now the General Assembly is getting around to changing.

    Oh, and let it not be forgotten, Gov. Minner and her Chief of Staff, ‘Dr.’ Mark Brainard, concocted a scheme to give her a judgeship in exchange for selecting her temporary replacement.

    Candidates for vice-chair? We’ll let Matt spill the beans:

    Whoa. According to the Sussex County GOP, former Attorney General and Judge Jane Brady plans to seek the state party chairmanship (chairwomanship?). The Sussex GOP also says James DeMartino and former state Rep. Deborah Hudson are running for vice chair. #netDE

    Matt’s twitter is always worth checking out. Right here: