Take the Biden Challenge

Filed in National by on April 24, 2019

It’s simple: Name something Joe Biden has been involved with that he didn’t fuck up. The Anita Hill hearings, the “new Jim Crow” crime bill, his first two presidential runs, trying to figure out where to announce he’s running for president again — fucked up, every one of them.

So see if you can find something that was improved by Joe Biden’s involvement. List them in the comments.

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  1. He didn’t fuck up in giving Charles Cawley his golden parachute via the bankruptcy bill.

    Although…the first time he tried by sneaking it into a foreign policy bill, corporatist Bill Clinton vetoed it. He fared better when Dubya was president.

    So he made the world a better place for the Charles Cawleys of this world.

    Hey, it’s something.

  2. REVanella says:

    Creating a fool proof masterbatory allusion for suburban wine moms?


    Soul Rebels Brass Band tonight.

  3. mediawatch says:

    New Castle County Government.
    He was gone before Mel Slawik, Rita Justice and Gordonbery.

  4. ben says:

    He absolutely destroyed Paul Ryan in a VP debate.

    He also ALMOST remembered my name (let’s say my name is actually Ben and he called me Bill) after meeting me one time 3 years prior.

    He has for many decades successfully gotten on and off trains at the right stop (to the best of my knowledge)

  5. Alby says:

    VP debate! Good one. So we’ve got one unalloyed success, proving it is possible to beat the Biden Challenge.

  6. gobias says:

    Biden will not fuck up my prediction that he’s not in the campaign by the time of the DE primary.

  7. Yikes says:

    Scooped Obama on marriage equality.