This, Exactly

Filed in National by on April 28, 2019

David Akadjian’s post at Daily Kos splits the arrow in the bull’s eye with this explanation of why Democrats might as well do the right thing instead of looking for the magic formula that will get Republicans and the media to stop demonizing them.

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  1. Nunya says:

    Jesus Christ can’t you give us a hyperlink? It’s 2019!

    • Alby says:

      Yeah, I could, but I find more people click on it if I put it on there naked. I’ll fix it for you.

      There. All better?

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Alas, the link isn’t working for me.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    I found the post. You’re correct, Alby. It’s exactly right.

    I support proceeding with impeachment even if there is a cost poltically for Democrats in the short term and even though a conviction will never occur in the Senate. It’s the right thing to do. But I don’t buy the Pelosi argument that Dems should not pursue impeachment because it will hurt the Dems in 2020. I think the odds are that proceeding with impeachment will help the Dems politically. When all the disgusting details come out about Trump, and when many of his allies turn on him when they are under oath, and when all that becomes public knowledge, I suspect Trump will lose support among the undecideds. There’s just no plausible analogy between the political fallout Republicans experienced for Clinton’s impeachment proceedings and what the Dems are likely to experience if they move to impeach Trump. Trump is more analogous to Nixon than Clinton.

  4. jason330 says:

    Yes, That pretty much nailed it. Democrats who still think that Republicans can be reasoned with, can be induced to act in good faith, can be mollified if we just hit the right notes, have their heads up their asses.

    I’m looking at you Chris Coons and Tom Carper.

  5. bamboozer says:

    Agreed, as in all things Republican they will never stop, better to do what’s right and be done..