State Party to Carney & Schwartzkopf – “DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!”

Filed in National by on June 17, 2019

Just read this shit and be amazed.

..And as if on cue, Carney KILLS MINIMUM WAGE BILL on behalf of his Chamber of Commerce Masters

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    When people say there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, they are talking about the shit-ass leadership that somehow rises to the top of the party.

    They are not talking about the people who comprise the party. The people who are the party’s soul and beating heart are NOTHING like Republicans.

    FUCK CARNEY. FUCK Pete Schwartzkopf with a broken bottle. Do your fucking jobs, you fuckers.

    • bamboozer says:

      Simple, elegant and on point, believe we can all get onboard with this. Let us all join together and proclaim Thou Shalt Not Vote For Any Retired State Cop, Ever. Neither shall thy promote incompetents like Carney to high office. Amen.

    • Paul says:

      I love this.

  2. Bane says:

    Am I missing something? Isn’t Carney an advocate for the gun bills and a supporter of increasing the minimum wage? He voted for $10 in Congress.

    • Jason330 says:

      Yeah, you are missing something. We all are. It’s called leadership.

      • Exactly. Not to mention that $10 is not $15. Haven’t heard a word out of his yap on this. He hasn’t exercised the power of his office in any meaningful way that I can see. Has he brought recalcitrant legislators into his office to lobby for anything other than budget-smoothing? I doubt it. I think that that’s all he cares about.

        Budget Fucking Smoothing.

        • Alby says:

          Let’s consider the counter-factual: Carney takes an active role in pushing for this.

          Answer me this: You’ve heard him speak. Not exactly a powerhouse. Whose mind would he change?

          You can’t expect leadership from a guy who last exhibited any in the huddle for St. Mark’s.

          • In theory, if he was a real governor, there would be pressure points that he could exert to extract support for his priorities. But he HAS no priorities other than reining in the growth of state government. Which makes budget smoothing his only priority.

            • Alby says:

              Schwartkopf wears the pants in this state, as you well know. Markell couldn’t get anything done because of it either.

              • I disagree. Markell used Pete to kill minimum wage. He used Pete to kill higher taxes on the highest earners.

                Markell got through equal rights for all, which was perhaps his top priority.

                What did Pete keep Markell from accomplishing? To me, they were a team.

  3. BTW, I am thrilled that the Democratic Executive Committee voted for this.

    Up next? Challenge the assholes who consistently vote against these Democratic principles. Almost all of them, in fact, I think that ALL of them, are in such overwhelming D districts that there is next to no risk of any of those districts flipping.

    Let’s name names:

    Senate: McBride, Poore, Walsh.

    House: Bennett, Q. Johnson, Carson, Bush.

    Feel free to add more, this is just for starters.

  4. Nancy Willing says:

    My understanding about key DEM resistance to the gun control assault weapon bill was that it was from the unions. The main push back was said to have been from the hunter sportsmen, gun-loving union DEMs blocking the legislation.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Even as weak and pointless as Carney is – This resolution took some guts. The people behind it deserve some thanks and when they primary the losers we have leading this party, or challenge for leadership positions, they deserve support.

  6. El Somnambulo says:

    I’m glad you reposted this at the top. The elected Democratic leaders buried a minimum wage increase that had the votes to pass the Senate because–why?

    They didn’t want to upset the Rethugs in the closing days of the General Assembly?

    Or the so-called Democratic governor was opposed to it, and he cravenly got the out-of-step McBride to save him embarassment?

    Neither scenario justifies killing this bill.

    • jason330 says:

      Yeah. It is gross. This at least rates the kind of “Dems in disarray” story that makes it into the public consciousness.

  7. jason330 says:

    A huge opportunuty was squandered by everyone who considered primarying Carney, then decided against it.

    His base is 18 white guys. That’s litterally his entire voting block.

  8. Tom Kline says:

    This all over $15 by 2024? LOL

  9. RSE says:

    So you’ve been working at some job for two or three years and you have worked your way up to $15 an hour, and then suddenly there is a law passed, and some new guy is making the same as you… A real work place morale booster….Definitely going to need to happen incrementally.

    • jason330 says:

      Only an idiot could make that argument and think that it follows some kind of logic.

      In fact, studies show that a migher min wages helps all workers, because $15.00 becomes the floor meaning all pay would goes, Dummy.

  10. All Seeing says:

    It would be good to see what “UNIONS” publicly support the $15 an hour minimum wage and the ones that don’t. It’s been my experience that the Teamsters are the only union in this state with a backbone and guts. The others, most others are soft as cotton. When is the last time we heard of any organizing campaign going on in the state of Delaware and by whom? That tell us everything.

    • mediawatch says:

      Take off your blinders. DSEA at Charter School of Wilmington and Odyssey Charter School. Next question.

  11. Jakim Mohammed says:

    El Somnambulo & Jason330 . I agree with both of your comments we cannot overstate the role of piss poor Leadership in Dover and the lack of BackBone.