News That’s Not About Trump
It’s hard to find, but news occurs that doesn’t have anything to do with the Commander ‘n’ Thief almost every day. A representative sampling:
Tennessee Cops Warn Flushed Drugs Create ‘Meth Gators’: As if the skunk ape wasn’t reason enough to avoid the swamplands of the South, a Tennessee police agency wants people to stop flushing meth down their toilets lest they create stuttering lizards that won’t stop talking. I don’t see the problem, because they would also lose their appetites, but since when is flushing meth down the toilet a thing?
Woman Climbs Mount Rushmore Barefoot and Without a Rope: The presidential heads are about 60 feet high, and she was stopped 15 feet before reaching the top, arrested and fined $1,000. You realize what that means — you can climb Mt. Rushmore for just $1,000! Put it on your bucket list.
New Jersey Driver Exits Car Wash, Plunges Into River: The woman claims she hit the gas instead of the brake, but she’s 64 and lives in New Jersey, so I can’t swear this has nothing to do with Trump. For all I know he was the final straw.
The Fox News version had the best final paragraph. The police department advised
Yup! 🙂
The Meth Gators sounds like an alt-country band.