News That’s Not About Trump

Filed in National by on July 17, 2019

It’s hard to find, but news occurs that doesn’t have anything to do with the Commander ‘n’ Thief almost every day. A representative sampling:

Tennessee Cops Warn Flushed Drugs Create ‘Meth Gators’: As if the skunk ape wasn’t reason enough to avoid the swamplands of the South, a Tennessee police agency wants people to stop flushing meth down their toilets lest they create stuttering lizards that won’t stop talking. I don’t see the problem, because they would also lose their appetites, but since when is flushing meth down the toilet a thing?

Woman Climbs Mount Rushmore Barefoot and Without a Rope: The presidential heads are about 60 feet high, and she was stopped 15 feet before reaching the top, arrested and fined $1,000. You realize what that means — you can climb Mt. Rushmore for just $1,000! Put it on your bucket list.

New Jersey Driver Exits Car Wash, Plunges Into River: The woman claims she hit the gas instead of the brake, but she’s 64 and lives in New Jersey, so I can’t swear this has nothing to do with Trump. For all I know he was the final straw.

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  1. Dana says:

    The Fox News version had the best final paragraph. The police department advised

    They’ve had enough methed up animals the past few weeks without our help. So, if you need to dispose of your drugs just give us a call and we will make sure they are disposed of in the proper way.

    Yup! 🙂

  2. Alby says:

    The Meth Gators sounds like an alt-country band.