DL Open Thread: Thurs., July 18, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 18, 2019

Arson At Japanese Animation Studio Kills At Least 30. Extremely rare in a country with low incidents of mass violence.

Right-Wing Nationalists Meet To Bury What’s Left Of The Conservative Movement.  Didn’t know that anything was left of that movement.

LGBT Supporters ThisClose To Victory In Virginia.  They need to knock off one more intransigent R, and they’re seriously working on it.

Turning Convicts Into ‘Compassionate Capitalists’? Maybe, at Wilmington’s ‘first indoor farm’.

Fake Noose. The media was correct to be skeptical.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. RE Vanella says:


    Re: the noose.

    So a customer was shopping for rope because he was asked to make creative “rope knots” for a canopy project.

    So he ties a noose and leaves it there?

    This is just a random innocent thing?

    Weird shit.

    I’m going to Bed Bath & Beyond today to look for cool versatile linens for my guest room. Maybe I’ll fashion a few robes & hoods there in the shop. See how they look. Then just go ahead and leave them there.

    I’m skeptical of the skepticism.

    • Alby says:

      I’m skeptical that someone would think that leaving a noose in a big-box store is an effective act of terrorism.

      The reaction of the people who found the noose is, shall we say, out of proportion to the provocation, and is what led to suspicion that this was bogus.

      There are enough real things to get worked up over. I can’t spare any outrage over this.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Easy for you to say since we’re pretty safe from lynching in the current political environment.

        It’s not terrorism but it’s akin to KKK graffiti.

        I get that you want to complain about the disproportionate reaction & “virtue signalling” etc, like that’s the real problem. It isn’t.

        I really don’t care what you personally have the energy or outrage for. It’s not about you. I’m saying I’m skeptical of the skepticism.

        Guy tied a noose and left it in the store. Think about that for a minute.

        • Alby says:

          Already did.

          Not complaining. Explaining why it’s low on my give-a-shit list. As I’ve been explaining for years, if anyone didn’t realize the state is full of racists they’ve been asleep or sticking their head in the sand.

          Running around flapping our hands over it does not strike me as a useful response.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    The graffiti artist name is actually Kenworth Kevin Kingston. So… the tagging is just a strange coincidence, you see.

    • Alby says:

      Yawn. I don’t get worked up over gang graffiti, either.

      Substance over symbolism. You’re free to disagree.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    You wouldn’t

    “Gang graffiti” is a nice tell.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Hockessin retiree calls black folks reaction to a public displayed noose overblown. Doesn’t care about symbolism.


    • Alby says:

      White-guilt-ridden hipster falls for oldest trick in the book.


      Also misuses word “displayed.” Photo I saw made it pretty clear it was not prominently “displayed.”

      But keep going, I’m sure your white guilt will be assuaged.

      • RE Vanella says:

        How’s it guilt? I don’t feel guilty about anything.

        It’s just one of your buzzwords, like virtue signaling. Totally meaningless. You’re grasping at straws.

        What was “the trick” again?

        • Alby says:

          Finding a noose, squawking about it really loud, get selves on TV. The decline of professional standards in journalism is the root problem here.

          If someone scrawled “KKK” in the bathroom, would that be worth this kind of overreaction too?

          Some years back a noose was left in the locker of a black state cop, obviously by another state cop. That deserves this sort of reaction, and it got it.

          This doesn’t reach this level, and if the KKK member was so cowardly he hid this is the rope section, I’m not really worried about him.

          Try learning some fucking perspective before mounting your ever-higher horse.

  5. Alby says:

    Re: Buzzwords.

    I use “virtue signaling” because that’s the widely used term. I was calling it out for the bullshit it is long before it got that name. It’s akin to the “I call on so-and-so to resign” idiocy that used to prevail at this site. All people are doing by it is demonstrating for others their supposed moral superiority. I think “moral masturbation” would be a better label.

    AS for “white guilt,” try learning something once in a while. Your ignorance is not my problem; why you’d want to parade it around is open to interpretation.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Haha! Perspective.

    That’s all you do is try to jam things into your perspective. It’s all a media thing. Haha.

    You just like this old people tropes.

    Notice the construction “finding a noose”. Like they went looking for it! Hahaha. You’re really pressing this argument huh. All for show!

    Here’s the thing. You can pretend it has something to do with my ignorance. But we all know that’s not true.

    This people were pissed off that a noose was hanging in the store. Same way say Jewish people would be if Nazi shit was sprayed on their temple.

    Yes, you don’t care. That’s fine. But you wanting to jam this into some media “SJW” shit is old news. You look like a fucking dipshit here.

    Sorry dude

    • Alby says:

      “This people were pissed off that a noose was hanging in the store. Same way say Jewish people would be if Nazi shit was sprayed on their temple.”

      A logical person would see an immediate problem with your analogy. Since you eschew logic, you don’t see it.

      Is the store their temple?

      See, if it were hung outside an AME church I’d be up in arms.

      Lack of perspective is all on you, dude, as is your inability to reason logically.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    White guilt! Hahaha. You’re losing it I’m afraid.

    Nowhere did I indicate individual or collective guilt. Just made up.

    I said you didn’t care about symbolism. Which is exactly what you said. That’s fine. It’s disgusting, but it’s on you really.

    • Alby says:

      “Nowhere did I indicate individual or collective guilt.”

      This statement indicates you did not learn anything from the link.

      This is the equivalent of claiming Trump’s statement wasn’t racist because he didn’t say anything about race, which just happens to be the argument they’re making. It amounts to saying that racism has to be acknowledged by the racist to exist. You’re claiming you can’t have white guilt because you don’t know you have it.

      FWIW, I didn’t think much of Congress trying to pass that resolution calling Trump a racist, either. I prefer substance to symbolism is what I said. That doesn’t mean I “don’t care” about symbolism. It has potential uses and misuses, and if t didn’t, there would be no story here at all.

      • RE Vanella says:

        The David Hume of Del Liberal. Hahaha.

        Smash the square peg in the round hole with the hammer of logic and reason!

        It’s one of those days folks.

        This one sinks into Freudian shit here. It’s unrecognized white guilt. Hahahaha. You sound like your having a seizure of some sort.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Folks, our Boomer problem is real. You really do hate to see it. The fucking Boomer logician has logged on. Hahahaha.

    Imagine what a sniviling pedant you have to be to draw the line between a house of worship and another public place!

    • Alby says:

      What an ignorant ass you are.

      Without logic, there is no such thing as progressivism.

      Try, just once, to mount a logic-based argument on this site, instead of relying solely on ridicule and invective (how very Trumpian!) to make your points.

      I seriously doubt your ability to do it. Until you show you can, you’re just a poo-flinging monkey in love with the smell of his own shit.

    • Alby says:

      “Imagine what a sniviling pedant you have to be to draw the line between a house of worship and another public place!”

      Take your followers to Home Depot and break into prayer if you want to learn the difference.

      Are you under the mistaken impression that your anger is persuasive? Or is this just performance art?

      • RE Vanella says:

        Am I angry? Dude, I’m laughing my ass off. You sound like a fucking old crank. It’s fantastic!

        • Alby says:

          So it’s performance art. So noted.

          For the record, I am an old crank. That doesn’t make me wrong, or you appealing.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Acknowledging the reaction of black folks to public displays of nooses and rebel flags and shit is white guilt folks. Write that down. That’s a logistical proof there.

    (You can go ahead and have the last word here. I know you need it far more than I do.)

  10. Alby says:

    This isn’t about acknowledging their reaction. You didn’t “acknowledge their reaction,” you attacked the reaction of others. You started this by condemning skepticism about this, ironically showing you could be skeptical of the skepticism. It’s OK for you, but not us.

    I’d appreciate it if just once you could stay on the topic instead of relying on ridicule and insults.

  11. Arthur says:

    How do we know they werent targeting witches with the noose?

  12. jason330 says:

    “Moderate Democrats Warn That AOC Is Distracting From Their Nonexistent Message”

    Great headline from New York Magazine