DL Open Thread,10/23/19

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 23, 2019

Yesterday’s big news was the closed-door Congressional testimony of Bill Taylor, the ambassador to Ukraine who tangled with Gordon Sondland over Trump’s extortion of that country. Democrats said his testimony was the most damaging yet to the Trump criminal enterprise. Here’s a rundown of what was in Taylor’s 15-page opening statement from Digby.

Remember when Mayor Pete was in favor of Medicare for All? That was before the health-care industry started donating to his campaign, which now rakes in more from that industry than any Democrat in the race except for (naturally) Joe Biden. That leads to the inevitable conclusion that Buttigieg is just a smooth-talking corporate tool.

This one’s a couple of weeks old, but it’s valuable for tracing AG William Barr’s obeisance to a criminal conspiracy that’s been running much longer than the Trump Organization, namely the Catholic Church and its stormtrooper service, Opus Dei. Should the Constitution be in the business of protecting criminal enterprises masquerading as religions? Apparently it is.

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  1. ben says:

    Part of me wants trump to make it till Jan 20 2021 at noon. If the fire wall crumbles, the circular pardoning squad will start. Trump, pence, barr, pomeo,…. i want them all convicted of the treason they committed. Who cares about “healing the country”, the country can heal once we excise the cancer and make sure it’s dead.

    Another part of me knows he’ll make it to 2021 because he’s going to “win” the election.

  2. RE Vanella says:


    This latest race has quickly become a church-versus-state battle, particularly over LGBTQ rights. Morrison, who is openly gay and has performed as a female impersonator for nearly a quarter of a century, hosted an October campaign fundraiser in the form of a drag show.

    And it’s caught Jaques’s attention.

    “That is so far off-base for our district, it’s unbelievable,” Jaques said. “You wonder what the point is. You can have fundraisers, I don’t care about that. But dressing in drag? Really?”


    Can someone ask Earl Jackoffs what year he thinks it is?

    • Jason330 says:

      There will be a referedum (the second Tuesday after the first Monday in September) on whether or not Jaques is right about it being off-base for the district. I happen to think he may have a point.

      • RE Vanella says:

        It’s an interesting point. That’s true. I mean… Yeah…


        So I propose we name names. Who exactly is offended by drag and why?

        Tell you what. Any good citizen who presents herself or himself on this issue can come on the podcast and explain it. Full hour.

        Make the case that drag is gross and we can’t have a legislator who preforms drag. I’d like hear the case.

        Trudeau does repeated black face and that’s cool. I think this would really be a fun and educational exploration of the electorate don’t you think?

        It’s more interesting when we speak clearly about these things.

        Personally if Jocks wants to make the “we frown on that faggy shit around here” argument I think that would motivate a few people to come out on election day to send him to a farm downstate. Feel me?

        Morrison could probably make 10 grand in internet donations tonight off this.

        If we can’t call this out we’re in worse shape than I thought.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Strong advocate of No Pardons For All, let them stand trial and pay a price as a lesson to all the would be Trump’s to come. As for Pete and Joe being in the pocket of Big Pharma it’s the same for Coons, Carper and I dare say LBR and dozens if not hundreds of other in congress. Tell me again how the system “worked”.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I guess they don’t want to make that argument after all. When you say the secret part out loud it becomes a whole ordeal.
