DL Open Thread: Sun., Nov. 3, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 3, 2019

WH Halloween Party Had Kids ‘Build The Wall’.  Never too early to indoctrinate future voters.

Origin Of The Ukraine ‘Alternative Truth’?  Manafort and Gates.

How Rethugs Plan To Deep-Six House Impeachment Hearings.  These are the people our congressional delegation wants to make deals with. Which reminds me. Chris being Chris.

Will ‘Matriarch’ Help Working-Class Women Get Elected To Office?  I’m intrigued…I guess the question will be how much money they can raise. 

Waste Management Seeks Injunction Against Cap On Minquadale Landfill.  Of course, if the General Assembly had not been paid off (or, more specifically, Darius Brown), the Council vote might not have been necessary.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    But on DelAware, Coons said “I am concerned that impeachment is so sharply divisive that it will remove what’s left of our ability to work together for the next year.”


    Coons-cerned – the nagging feeling that Republicans may someday, unless we compromise more, become unwilling to work with Democrats.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    “…our ability…”

    Who do you think he means by our?

    Don’t worry, Chris. Many of those folks you’re concerned about won’t be there in a few years.

    Shit, maybe you won’t either, bud. Actually, if you get the fuck out of the way you needn’t worry at all! We’ll take care of everything.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Like when Bernard Sanders says, “not me, us” I’m pretty confident I know who the *us* refers to.

    When Coons uses the plural first person, I’m afraid he’s talking about entirely different people. We don’t know them. Totally different people.


  4. RE Vanella says:

    A lot of folks worry about rehashing the same arguments c. 2016.

    I’m personally worried about replicating the results.

  5. Alby says:

    Trump went to an Ultimate Fighting Championship event in NYC — the guy who runs that meat grinder is a Trump donor — and got booed again. Gotta give them credit — I thought a crowd of bloodthirsty brawl enthusiasts would cheer him.
