DL Open Thread: Thurs., Nov. 21, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 21, 2019

We Need A Low-Carbon Labor Movement.  More than just a call-to-arms, this piece is a blueprint.

Trump, Zuckerberg, Thiel Held Secret Dinner Meeting.  A meeting of this Unholy Trinity is news.  You can bet that the discussion did not center around overcooked steak, although it likely took place over overcooked steak. Facebook must be broken up, and may be broken up by a new President, which is probably why Zuckerberg and Trump are scheming.

Lev Parnas Acted As Devin Nunes’ Travel Agent.  Arranged meetings and calls in Europe to help Nunes develop wackadoo conspiracy theories.  Gee, shouldn’t Nunes recuse himself from being a ‘seeker of truth’?

Proposed Wind Farm Off Fenwick Island Draws Some Opposition.  Project sounds good to me.

Gentrification Likely To Displace African-American Community Of West Rehoboth.  Don’t look for a single elected official to stand up for those likely to be displaced. Ain’t that right, Pistol Pete?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Arthur says:

    THe biggest issue that ive read in regards to the wind farm is that it will be built in delaware waters but maryland will receive most of the power generated and all the tax credits. some how delaware foots the bill for these kinds of projects but gets none of the benefits, similar to the one between delaware and jersey where we footed the bill and received a small portion of the benefits

    • El Somnambulo says:

      According to the article, Delaware will receive the bulk of the wind power. Some folks are upset that their view will be obstructed.

    • ben says:

      where have you read that, arthur? surely you can provide links for your statements.

      JFC…. give ME a beach front house down state and fill up my view with windmills. I like the look of a clean, life-supporting future.

      • Arthur says:

        “While the electricity will feed into the grid at Fenwick Island and provide power to people in places like Fenwick Island and nearby Delaware towns, Maryland will get the renewable energy credits for the project, a point of contention for many in the crowd” yesterdays news journal.

        “For nearly three years, the proposed power transmission line has been in limbo as leaders in Delaware and Maryland opposed the proposal to pay for the upgrades. That opposition centered on the fact that while the project would mainly benefit New Jersey, the bulk of the $278 million cost would be shouldered by ratepayers in Delaware and Maryland.” whyy 2018

        • John Kowalko says:

          “Feeding into the grid” as proposed in the current offshore wind project has absolutely no comparison with the 2018 “proposed power transmission line” project. That proposal had nothing to do with “Wind” and actually more to do with distributing power from other existing types of generation capacities including “nuclear generation” that would not significantly benefit Delaware utility customers but would cost Delaware customers a hugely disproportionate amount of the cost for that transmission expansion. Not even an apples to oranges comparison. The power generated by the wind farms will go into the PJM distribution capacity and be available to all interconnected users. The renewable energy credits are to defray the costs of construction of the facilities and subsidize a lower more economically beneficial calculation of the power generated that benefits all electric users in the area.
          Representative John Kowalko

          • RE Vanella says:

            Representative Kowalko,

            Now is the time. You carried a torch in the darkness and mostly alone.

            The movement is coming.

            Now is the time to endorse Madinah.

            Now is the time to endorse Larry.

            Now is the time to endorse Jess.

            Now is the time to endorse Eric.

            Now is the time for solidarity.

            RE Vanella

            You know how to reach me.

          • ben says:

            as a constituent, I echo RV’s call for endorsements. I know you know chriss coons is a GOP lackey. Now is the time, sir! your district (and more) will follow you.

            • RE Vanella says:

              And for the record I understand your past position on this matter. I disagree but I respect it.

              But that was then.

              Now’s the time. RV

  2. Alby says:

    Israeli far-right leader Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted for corruption.

    I wonder if Chris Coons will provide him with a GOP-inspired defense.

    • mediawatch says:

      I’m wondering how long it will take for Trump to start making comparisons, trying to spin Benny’s misbehavior to his own advantage.

  3. meatball says:

    Lake Superior ain’t no joke.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    The Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.

  5. nathan arizona says:

    Even REV likes music.

  6. nathan arizona says:

    I believe it. It’s clear from some of his/your comments. Sometimes REV puts on a happy face.